Docker Multi Containers ======================= Docker is a great tool, but you may find it painful if you work with complex applications that rely on multiple docker containers. You may have to deal with different docker image providers, who will deliver you their respective part of the application. You have to make all containers work together, and to be able to upgrade and test easily a new release of only one provider. You may also be responsible of scheduling the containers start and stop, meaning that you have to take care of containers dependencies during start and stop operations. This tutorial explains how you can ease multiple container management using the OpenSVC infrastructure. Pre-requisites -------------- * OpenSVC service managing docker containers (As described in the `parent topic `_) * We assume that the docker images are available (It means that you already have docker pulled your needed images, check `here `_ if you need help for that part) Let's take an example and consider that we are responsible for hosting an application relying on 3 docker containers : * busybox * shipyard/shipyard * dhrp/sshd Service Configuration File -------------------------- :: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print config [DEFAULT] autostart_node = app = OSVCLAB service_type = DEV nodes = docker_data_dir = /opt/ docker_daemon_args = --ip [container#1] type = docker run_image = f66342b343ae run_command = /bin/sh [container#2] type = docker run_image = 30e0b59613ff run_args = -v /var/lib/opensvc/ -p 8888:8000 [container#3] type = docker run_image = 2bbfe079a942 run_args = -v /opt/ -p 42222:22 [ip#1] ipdev = eth0 ipname = [vg#1] vgname = vgapp [fs#1] mnt_opt = rw mnt = /opt/ dev = /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot type = ext4 [fs#2] mnt_opt = rw mnt = /opt/ dev = /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata type = ext4 We need to manage 3 containers to make this application working, so we declare 3 opensvc ``docker``-type container resources: * **[container#1]** is a busybox container, and has to be launched first for our application. We just need to spawn /bin/sh in the container. * **[container#2]** is the shipyard container and is second in the startup sequencing. We have to present the docker socket inside the container (``/`` will be available in the container as /docker.sock), and expose network ports (internal container port 8000 will be available on host port 8888) * **[container#3]** is the dhrp/sshd and must be the last container to start. We present a data volume inside the container, and expose ssh port to host port 42222. Service Startup --------------- **docker images are present in the local repository** :: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker images | grep latest busybox latest f66342b343ae 4 days ago 2.433 MB shipyard/shipyard latest 30e0b59613ff 5 weeks ago 516.5 MB dhrp/sshd latest 2bbfe079a942 11 months ago 321.8 MB **OpenSVC print status** :: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down busybox:latest | | | # can not find container id | |- container#2 .... down shipyard/shipyard:latest | | | # can not find container id | |- container#3 .... down dhrp/sshd:latest | | | # can not find container id | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a .. note:: As containers were never started, OpenSVC agent complains about missing container id. **run the containers** :: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s start 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 is already up on eth0 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgapp is already up 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 fs(/dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot /opt/ is already mounted 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 fs(/dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata /opt/ is already mounted 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ run -t -i -d f66342b343ae /bin/sh 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: 2d4b80bdec715a7df33bc0bb36b8e65598e41d83d0b8919b717287b3ca9c9dae 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container up status 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container operational 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ run -t -i -d -v /var/lib/opensvc/ -p 8888:8000 30e0b59613ff 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 output: cecf54c6c76977d7d8b5801803d270023023efcc9690860da56d6560a81800e6 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 wait for container up status 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 wait for container operational 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ run -t -i -d -v /opt/ -p 42222:22 2bbfe079a942 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 output: c0a390acb80a2e42bb57da5a104dc23ec34955e2aec4ac3cf270399447f64c5f 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 wait for container up status 11:56:19 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 wait for container operational root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall up |- avail up | |- container#1 .... up 2d4b80bdec71@busybox:latest | |- container#2 .... up cecf54c6c769@shipyard/shipyard:latest | |- container#3 .... up c0a390acb80a@dhrp/sshd:latest | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a .. note:: OpenSVC agent start containers in sequence. Please note timestamps : docker's efficiency associated with OpenSVC allow the start/stop of complex environments in a few seconds. **Querying docker daemon about containers** :: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c0a390acb80a dhrp/sshd:latest /usr/sbin/sshd -D 34 seconds ago Up 33 seconds>22/tcp cecf54c6c769 shipyard/shipyard:latest /app/.docker/ 34 seconds ago Up 33 seconds>8000/tcp 2d4b80bdec71 busybox:latest /bin/sh 34 seconds ago Up 33 seconds .. note:: We see that our containers are running as expected, and networks ports are bound to the OpenSVC service IP address Containers Management --------------------- All containers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is possible to manage containers together, either start or stop, by using the ``startcontainer`` or ``stopcontainer`` OpenSVC keywords. :: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down f66342b343ae | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#2 .... down 30e0b59613ff | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#3 .... down 2bbfe079a942 | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c0a390acb80a dhrp/sshd:latest /usr/sbin/sshd -D 2 hours ago Exited (0) 38 seconds ago>22/tcp cecf54c6c769 shipyard/shipyard:latest /app/.docker/ 2 hours ago Exited (0) 28 seconds ago>8000/tcp 2d4b80bdec71 busybox:latest /bin/sh 2 hours ago Exited (0) 18 seconds ago root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s startcontainer 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start 2d4b80bdec71 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: 2d4b80bdec71 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container up status 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container operational 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start cecf54c6c769 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 output: cecf54c6c769 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 wait for container up status 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#2 wait for container operational 13:56:29 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start c0a390acb80a 13:56:30 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 output: c0a390acb80a 13:56:30 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 wait for container up status 13:56:30 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#3 wait for container operational root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall up |- avail up | |- container#1 .... up 2d4b80bdec71@busybox:latest | |- container#2 .... up cecf54c6c769@shipyard/shipyard:latest | |- container#3 .... up c0a390acb80a@dhrp/sshd:latest | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c0a390acb80a dhrp/sshd:latest /usr/sbin/sshd -D 2 hours ago Up 12 seconds>22/tcp cecf54c6c769 shipyard/shipyard:latest /app/.docker/ 2 hours ago Up 12 seconds>8000/tcp 2d4b80bdec71 busybox:latest /bin/sh 2 hours ago Up 12 seconds One container ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Like any other OpenSVC resource in the service configuration file, it is possible to manage it with its resource ID, by using the ``--rid `` option. :: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall up |- avail up | |- container#1 .... up 2d4b80bdec71@busybox:latest | |- container#2 .... up cecf54c6c769@shipyard/shipyard:latest | |- container#3 .... up c0a390acb80a@dhrp/sshd:latest | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s stop --rid container#1 14:07:05 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 2d4b80bdec71 14:07:15 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: 2d4b80bdec71 14:07:15 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container down status root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down 2d4b80bdec71@busybox:latest | |- container#2 .... up cecf54c6c769@shipyard/shipyard:latest | |- container#3 .... up c0a390acb80a@dhrp/sshd:latest | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c0a390acb80a dhrp/sshd:latest /usr/sbin/sshd -D 2 hours ago Up 10 minutes>22/tcp cecf54c6c769 shipyard/shipyard:latest /app/.docker/ 2 hours ago Up 10 minutes>8000/tcp 2d4b80bdec71 busybox:latest /bin/sh 2 hours ago Exited (-1) 12 seconds ago root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s start --rid container#1 14:07:45 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability 14:07:45 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start 2d4b80bdec71 14:07:45 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: 2d4b80bdec71 14:07:45 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container up status 14:07:45 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container operational root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall up |- avail up | |- container#1 .... up 2d4b80bdec71@busybox:latest | |- container#2 .... up cecf54c6c769@shipyard/shipyard:latest | |- container#3 .... up c0a390acb80a@dhrp/sshd:latest | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a Container Upgrade ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's consider that you have to change from official image busybox/latest to google/busybox, which simulate the fact that someone provide you a new version of docker image to run instead of the old one, the steps would be : **Stop the container to upgrade**:: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s stop --rid container#1 14:27:35 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 2d4b80bdec71 14:27:45 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: 2d4b80bdec71 14:27:45 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container down status **Pull the new docker image**:: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker pull google/busybox Pulling repository google/busybox c8f0cfead624: Download complete 511136ea3c5a: Download complete bd5d7a592a52: Download complete 31ea9d8cd4b6: Download complete root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker images | grep google google/busybox latest c8f0cfead624 2 weeks ago 2.491 MB .. note:: The image is in the local repository, with image id c8f0cfead624. We need this image id to modify OpenSVC service configuration file. **Remove the old container**:: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES c0a390acb80a dhrp/sshd:latest /usr/sbin/sshd -D 2 hours ago Up 32 minutes>22/tcp cecf54c6c769 shipyard/shipyard:latest /app/.docker/ 2 hours ago Up 32 minutes>8000/tcp 2d4b80bdec71 busybox:latest /bin/sh 2 hours ago Exited (-1) 58 seconds ago root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s docker rm 2d4b80bdec71 2d4b80bdec71 .. note:: It could be a good idea to rename our container instead of delete it, for rollback purposes. At the beginning of June 2014, Docker doesn't support that, but it's on the roadmap. **Modify OpenSVC configuration**:: root@deb1:/# cd /etc/opensvc && cp root@deb1:/# cat | sed -e 's/f66342b343ae/c8f0cfead624/' > root@deb1:/# grep -C2 c8f0cfead624 [container#1] type = docker run_image = c8f0cfead624 run_command = /bin/sh .. note:: We just have to change the ``run_image`` parameter to point to the new image to execute in the container **Bring back service with new container**:: root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s start --rid container#1 send /etc/opensvc/ to collector ... OK update /var/lib/opensvc/ timestamp ... OK 14:32:25 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability 14:32:25 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ run -t -i -d c8f0cfead624 /bin/sh 14:32:25 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: dc32fbc0a6c7e1e4f981fef6444b50bb9b3add5103062b91a15716cd5396ee43 14:32:25 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container up status 14:32:25 INFO APP.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container operational root@deb1:/# svcmgr -s print status overall up |- avail up | |- container#1 .... up dc32fbc0a6c7@google/busybox:latest | |- container#2 .... up cecf54c6c769@shipyard/shipyard:latest | |- container#3 .... up c0a390acb80a@dhrp/sshd:latest | |- vg#1 .... up vgapp | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvapproot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgapp-lvappdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a Complex Orchestration --------------------- When implementing applications as Docker containers, you may be constrained to organize container startup in a specific order, because it's the way your application works. Another kind of problem is that you may need to start multiple containers in parrallel instead of sequentially. OpenSVC agent is developped to support those specific constraints. The following example is a dummy application made of : * 1 database server : this container have to be started first, and stopped at the very end. * 4 application servers : those containers have to be started in parrallel, and just after the database server. * 2 webservers : last to be launched, just after the appservers. Considering that it is an example, all containers will depend on image id b073e328878e, which corresponds to docker public image ``opensvc/busybox:date`` .. note:: if one of the container meet start failure issue, the overall service rollback and stop OpenSVC Syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method to implement such a modelization rely on 2 configuration tricks: * tag container resource in container subsets:: subset = 01appservers * optionaly declare a parallel start on a per subset basis:: [subset#container.docker:01appservers] parallel = true Subsets are processed in alphanumerical order. We recommend prefixing the subset name with a 2-digits number, to improve configuration readability. Example ^^^^^^^ Let's have a look at our dummy application service configuration file :: [DEFAULT] autostart_node = app = OSVCLAB service_type = DEV nodes = docker_data_dir = /opt/ docker_daemon_args = --ip [container#1] type = docker run_image = b073e328878e subset = 00database [container#2] type = docker run_image = b073e328878e subset = 01appservers [container#3] type = docker run_image = b073e328878e subset = 01appservers [container#4] type = docker run_image = b073e328878e subset = 01appservers [container#5] type = docker run_image = b073e328878e subset = 01appservers [subset#container.docker:01appservers] parallel = true [container#6] type = docker run_image = b073e328878e subset = 02webservers [container#7] type = docker run_image = b073e328878e subset = 02webservers [subset#container.docker:02webservers] parallel = false [ip#1] ipdev = eth0 ipname = [vg#1] vgname = vgbusybox scsireserv = false [fs#1] mnt_opt = rw mnt = /opt/ dev = /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxroot type = ext4 [fs#2] mnt_opt = rw mnt = /opt/ dev = /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxdata type = ext4 Service startup ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Actions are processed in the following order * ip/vg/fs start * subset 00database start * subset 01appservers parallel start * subset 02webservers sequential start :: root@deb1:/# print status overall down |- avail down | |- container#1 .... down b073e328878e | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#2 .... down b073e328878e | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#3 .... down b073e328878e | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#4 .... down b073e328878e | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#5 .... down b073e328878e | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#6 .... down b073e328878e | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- container#7 .... down b073e328878e | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- vg#1 .... down vgbusybox | |- fs#1 .... down /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... down /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... down |- sync n/a '- hb n/a root@deb1:/# start 09:10:18 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability 09:10:21 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 ifconfig eth0:1 netmask up 09:10:21 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 arping -U -c 1 -I eth0 -s 09:10:21 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange --addtag vgbusybox 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: Volume group "vgbusybox" successfully changed 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange -a y vgbusybox 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: 2 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgbusybox" now active 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 e2fsck -p /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxroot 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 output: /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxroot: clean, 13/65536 files, 12637/262144 blocks 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxroot /opt/ 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 e2fsck -p /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxdata 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 output: /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxdata: clean, 656/65536 files, 25170/262144 blocks 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxdata /opt/ 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 starting docker daemon 09:10:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ -r=false -d -g /opt/ -p /var/lib/opensvc/ --ip 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start b82cf3232b79 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 output: b82cf3232b79 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 wait for container up status 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 wait for container operational 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 action start started in child process 23635 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 action start started in child process 23636 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 action start started in child process 23638 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 action start started in child process 23640 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start 185751ce205b 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start 6212757a24c6 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start 68b2e591147a 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start 7e0f85484429 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 output: 185751ce205b 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 output: 6212757a24c6 09:10:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 wait for container up status 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 wait for container up status 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 wait for container operational 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 output: 68b2e591147a 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 wait for container up status 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 wait for container operational 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 output: 7e0f85484429 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 wait for container up status 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 wait for container operational 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 wait for container operational 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#6 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start 6b82e882acf0 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#6 output: 6b82e882acf0 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#6 wait for container up status 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#6 wait for container operational 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#7 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ start a825bb126088 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#7 output: a825bb126088 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#7 wait for container up status 09:10:24 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#7 wait for container operational root@deb1:/# print status overall up |- avail up | |- container#1 .... up b82cf3232b79@opensvc/busybox:date | |- container#2 .... up 7e0f85484429@opensvc/busybox:date | |- container#3 .... up 185751ce205b@opensvc/busybox:date | |- container#4 .... up 6212757a24c6@opensvc/busybox:date | |- container#5 .... up 68b2e591147a@opensvc/busybox:date | |- container#6 .... up 6b82e882acf0@opensvc/busybox:date | |- container#7 .... up a825bb126088@opensvc/busybox:date | |- vg#1 .... up vgbusybox | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgbusybox-lvbusyboxdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a Service stop ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Actions are processed in the following order * subset 02webservers sequential stop * subset 01appservers parallel stop * subset 00database stop * ip/vg/fs stop :: root@deb1:/# stop 09:10:40 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#7 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop a825bb126088 09:10:50 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#7 output: a825bb126088 09:10:50 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#7 wait for container down status 09:10:51 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#6 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 6b82e882acf0 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#6 output: 6b82e882acf0 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:02WEBSERVERS#6 wait for container down status 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 action stop started in child process 27048 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 action stop started in child process 27049 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 action stop started in child process 27051 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 action stop started in child process 27052 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 185751ce205b 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 6212757a24c6 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 7e0f85484429 09:11:01 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 68b2e591147a 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 output: 7e0f85484429 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#2 wait for container down status 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 output: 185751ce205b 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#3 wait for container down status 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 output: 68b2e591147a 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#5 wait for container down status 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 output: 6212757a24c6 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:01APPSERVERS#4 wait for container down status 09:11:11 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop b82cf3232b79 09:11:21 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 output: b82cf3232b79 09:11:21 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 wait for container down status 09:11:21 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER.DOCKER:00DATABASE#1 no more container handled by docker daemon. shut it down 09:11:21 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 umount /opt/ 09:11:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 umount /opt/ 09:11:22 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange --deltag vgbusybox 09:11:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: Volume group "vgbusybox" successfully changed 09:11:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 kpartx -d /dev/vgbusybox/lvbusyboxdata 09:11:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 kpartx -d /dev/vgbusybox/lvbusyboxroot 09:11:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange -a n vgbusybox 09:11:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: 0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgbusybox" now active 09:11:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 ifconfig eth0:1 down 09:11:23 INFO BUSYBOX.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability