Docker ****** Docker ( is a very promising container technology. If you're not already informed about it, it's really worth having a look at one of the multiple tutorials available, to discover all the benefits of this solution, that will drastically change the way applications are deployed on linux type systems. This tutorial explains how OpenSVC open source free agent is complementary to docker. This tutorial is useful for all people who want to answer those questions : * `My application is built on 3 Docker images, how do I launch them together ? `_ * `How do I setup my own private Docker registry ? `_ * `How do I relocate my Docker infrastructure on another physical server ? `_ * `How do I build a Docker high availability infrastructure ? `_ * `How do I host multiple Docker installations on the same host (dev, test, preproduction, ...) ? `_ * `Lots of people use Docker in my company, how do I setup a disaster recovery solution ? `_ * `Lots of people use Docker in my company, how do I chargeback docker usage depending on image or container count or even used space ? `_ * `What kind of Docker architecture could I use in my company ? `_ OpenSVC product will be used to encapsulate docker's containers like any other vm/container already supported (like kvm, xen, lxc, zones, jails, hpvm, ovm, ...) Installing Docker as an OpenSVC service ======================================= Typical docker implementation is ensured by installing your favorite linux distribution packages. Basically they install Docker software, and some startup scripts to make all the stuff works. Let's setup Docker in an OpenSVC service. You may want to read `OpenSVC VM encapsulation introduction `_ so as to understand why you have interest to do this way. Pre-requisites -------------- * debian wheezy (or every linux distro known to work with Docker) * kernel 3.8 or upper (docker prerequisite due to lxc bug) * dedicated lun to host Docker's stuff (images, containers, volumes) * dedicated ip address for docker service * OpenSVC Agent (open source free software) Kernel Upgrade -------------- As we are running a debian wheezy host, which is far behind kernel 3.8, we have to upgrade our kernel version :: root@deb1:/# sh -c "echo deb wheezy-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy-backports.source.list root@deb1:/# apt-get update -y root@deb1:/# apt-get -t wheezy-backports install linux-image-amd64 -y root@deb1:/# reboot root@deb1:~# uname -a Linux 3.13-0.bpo.1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.13.10-1~bpo70+1 (2014-04-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux Docker Installation ------------------- :: root@deb1:~# sh -c "echo deb docker main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.source.list root@deb1:~# apt-get update -y root@deb1:~# apt-get install lxc-docker root@deb1:~# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE We end up with running docker instance, using all debian defaults, like /var/lib/docker as Docker's root folder, which is empty. As we want Docker to be managed by OpenSVC, we will disable system launcher:: root@deb1:/# /etc/init.d/docker stop [ ok ] Stopping Docker: docker. root@deb1:/# ls -l /etc/rc2.d | grep -i doc S19docker root@deb1:/# update-rc.d -f docker remove OpenSVC Installation -------------------- Please follow the steps described in `OpenSVC installation `_ Quick links to OpenSVC software installation **DEB**:: curl -o /tmp/opensvc.latest.deb && dpkg -i /tmp/opensvc.latest.deb **RPM**:: curl -o /tmp/opensvc.latest.rpm && rpm -ivh /tmp/opensvc.latest.rpm Service configuration ===================== Copy/Paste the service configuration file in folder ```` and name it like ``servicename.env``. In the example below, we will name the service configuration file ````. :: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# ls -l | grep docker*env -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 853 mai 26 21:05 root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# cat [DEFAULT] autostart_node = app = OSVCLAB service_type = DEV nodes = docker_data_dir = /opt/ [container#1] type = docker run_image = f66342b343ae run_command = /bin/sh run_args = -v /opt/ [ip#1] ipdev = eth0 ipname = [vg#1] vgname = vgdocker [fs#1] mnt_opt = rw mnt = /opt/ dev = /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot type = ext4 [fs#2] mnt_opt = rw mnt = /opt/ dev = /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata type = ext4 To declare a docker container in OpenSVC service file, you first have to use the [container#X] tag, with X being any arbitrary container number (0,1,2,3...). Be carefull that the tag [container#X] is not only reserved to docker containers, it's a generic OpenSVC keyword to declare a virtual machine/container object, regardless of virtualization technology. In other words, as an example, OpenSVC is able to manage a service with [container#1], [container#2], [container#3] as being respectively a docker container, a lxc container, a kvm container. **docker_data_dir** This folder parameter is used to specify docker where the docker local files are located. This folder will be passed to the ``-g`` option of docker daemon. **type** Set to 'docker' to explicitely ask OpenSVC to use to docker driver to manage this container. **run_image** This mandatory parameter is used to specify the docker image ID to use for starting the container. Run the ``docker images`` cli command and grab accurate string from the 'ID' column. .. note:: Our example use the image id f66342b343ae, which corresponds to busybox latest image available on the 29th of May 2014. **run_command** This optional parameter may be needed for images that need a specific command to be launched at startup. **run_args** This optional parameter may be needed to pass options to ``docker run`` command. In the current example, we use the ``-v`` option to map a data volume inside that docker container. The service .env file is now ready, we have to finish the service creation in OpenSVC :: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# ls -l | grep docker -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 800 mai 29 05:14 root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# mkdir root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# ln -s root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# ln -s ../bin/svcmgr root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# ls -l | grep docker lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 mai 29 05:52 -> ../bin/svcmgr lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 mai 29 05:51 -> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 mai 29 05:51 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 800 mai 29 05:14 Now we can test if service setup is ok. We assume that the LVM setup is ok. If you need help, please consult `guidance on storage configuration `_ :: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status send /etc/opensvc/ to collector ... OK update /var/lib/opensvc/ timestamp ... OK overall down |- avail down | |- container#1 .... down f66342b343ae | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- vg#1 .... down vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... down /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... down /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... down |- sync n/a '- hb n/a All ressources are down when the service is down. (If you just create your LVM setup, you may see vg#1 ressource as up, due to VG being imported in the LVM configuration, no matter OpenSVC won't try to import an already imported VG) Let's describe OpenSVC theory of operations before starting the service. OpenSVC Behavior ================ With the configuration file like exposed previously, OpenSVC will take the following actions on service startup : * **[ip#1]** : add ip address corresponding to ```` on network interface ``eth0`` * **[vg#1]** : import volume group named ``vgdocker`` * **[fs#1]** and **[fs#2]** : first mount logical volume ``/dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot`` on ``/opt/``, and after mount logical volume ``/dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata`` on ``/opt/`` * **[container#1]** : start docker as daemon with the following command line ``docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ -r=false -d -g /opt/ -p /var/lib/opensvc/``. Note that container is assigned with number 1 because of #1. * -H : attach docker daemon to local socket. The socket name is herited from the OpenSVC service name. * -r = false : we do not want docker to manage the container startup automatically. Instead we will rely on OpenSVC features to do that * -d : explicit daemon usage for docker binary (take care, it is the same binary for daemon and client) * -g : tell docker where to store its files * -p : while in daemon mode, specify a pidfile. Once docker daemon is operational, the container is started with command line ``docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ run -t -i -d -v /opt/ f66342b343ae /bin/sh`` * -H : asks the docker cli to attach to the docker daemon previously launched * -t : allocate a pseudo-tty and attach to the standard input of docker container * -i : keep stdin open even if not attached to the container * -d : detach after container launch. We can reattach/detach later. * --name : assign a name to the container. Format is [OpenSVC_ServiceName].container.[OpenSVC_Container_ID], evaluated to "" in our example. * -v : herited from service file run_args option, to mount a data volume inside the docker container. * f66342b343ae : herited from service file run_image option * /bin/sh : herited from service file run_command option Service Startup =============== The normal way of starting an OpenSVC service is ``service_name start``. But in our case, it will fail because the local Docker repository is empty. We have to do a little preparation to make the docker container startable. To do so, we will start partially the OpenSVC service, to be able to manage Docker manually : **bring up service Volume Group**:: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# startvg 06:36:40 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange --addtag vgdocker 06:36:40 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: Volume group "vgdocker" successfully changed 06:36:40 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange -a y vgdocker 06:36:40 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: 2 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgdocker" now active root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down f66342b343ae | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- vg#1 .... up vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... down /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... down /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... down |- sync n/a '- hb n/a vg#1 is now reported as up **bring up service filesystems**:: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# startfs 06:37:07 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgdocker is already up 06:37:07 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 e2fsck -p /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot 06:37:07 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 output: /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot: clean, 18/32768 files, 10586/131072 blocks 06:37:07 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot /opt/ 06:37:07 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 e2fsck -p /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata 06:37:08 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 output: /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata: clean, 25/288000 files, 57330/1152000 blocks 06:37:08 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata /opt/ root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down f66342b343ae | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- vg#1 .... up vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... down |- sync n/a '- hb n/a fs#1 and fs#2 are now reported as up **bring up service ip**:: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# startip 06:37:22 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability 06:37:26 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 ifconfig eth0:1 netmask up 06:37:26 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 arping -U -c 1 -I eth0 -s root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down f66342b343ae | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- vg#1 .... up vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a ip#1 is now reported as up **querying Docker repository**:: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down f66342b343ae | | | # can not find container id | |- vg#1 .... up vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# ps auxww | grep docker root 1411 0.0 0.1 7852 836 pts/0 R+ 06:54 0:00 grep docker root 14530 0.0 1.3 266112 7048 pts/0 Sl 06:47 0:00 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ -r=false -d -g /opt/ -p /var/lib/opensvc/ We have no images listed in the local Docker repository. We can see that the "docker daemon is not running" message is no more reported. Instead, docker daemon has been started silently, and OpenSVC complains about a missing container. We need to populate the repository to be able to start the container. **pulling Docker image**:: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# docker pull busybox:latest Pulling repository busybox f66342b343ae: Download complete 511136ea3c5a: Download complete 569584af1fe2: Download complete b1bafeaa2233: Download complete root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE busybox latest f66342b343ae 10 hours ago 2.433 MB root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status overall warn |- avail warn | |- container#1 .... down busybox:latest | | | # can not find container id | |- vg#1 .... up vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a The image id ``f66342b343ae`` is no more printed out as a raw image id, but is resolved to its friendly name ``busybox:latest``. This means that the image needed to start our container is available in the local Docker repository. **starting the service**:: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# start 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 is already up on eth0 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgdocker is already up 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 fs(/dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot /opt/ is already mounted 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 fs(/dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata /opt/ is already mounted 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ run -t -i -d -v /opt/ f66342b343ae /bin/sh 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: 20f6aabc5ce1ed1a2d2e5a8c22cb98ddfbaaaeb5161ab90c1f1ee4ed749b9038 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container up status 07:17:58 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container operational root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status overall up |- avail up | |- container#1 .... up 20f6aabc5ce1@busybox:latest | |- vg#1 .... up vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... up /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... up |- sync n/a '- hb n/a root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 20f6aabc5ce1 busybox:latest /bin/sh 8 minutes ago Up 7 minutes The service startup is now ok. Docker instanciate and run a container id ``20f6aabc5ce1`` based on image ``busybox:latest``. We can see that the container is running, and owns tag ````. .. note:: You may have noticed that OpenSVC wraps Docker's commands. Every Docker supported option will be passed to the Docker binary, and OpenSVC ensure that return codes from docker binary are caught. The main advantage is that you don't have to worry about which Docker's daemon socket to use, it is automatically herited from the OpenSVC service calling the docker command. In our example, `` docker ps`` will call ``docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ ps`` Service Shutdown ================ We stop the OpenSVC service with command ``service_name stop``. :: root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# stop 07:41:19 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 docker -H unix:///var/lib/opensvc/ stop 20f6aabc5ce1 07:41:29 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 output: 20f6aabc5ce1 07:41:29 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 wait for container down status 07:41:29 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.CONTAINER#1 no more container handled by docker daemon. shut it down 07:41:29 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 umount /opt/ 07:41:29 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 umount /opt/ 07:41:29 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange --deltag vgdocker 07:41:30 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: Volume group "vgdocker" successfully changed 07:41:30 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 kpartx -d /dev/vgdocker/lvdockerdata 07:41:30 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 kpartx -d /dev/vgdocker/lvdockerroot 07:41:30 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 vgchange -a n vgdocker 07:41:30 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.VG#1 output: 0 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgdocker" now active 07:41:30 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 ifconfig eth0:1 down 07:41:30 INFO DOCKER.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 checking availability root@deb1:/etc/opensvc# print status overall down |- avail down | |- container#1 .... down f66342b343ae | | | # docker daemon is not running | |- vg#1 .... down vgdocker | |- fs#1 .... down /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerroot@/opt/ | |- fs#2 .... down /dev/mapper/vgdocker-lvdockerdata@/opt/ | '- ip#1 .... down |- sync n/a '- hb n/a All services ressources are now stopped. If you want to play, you can re-issue command `` start``. Just imagine how easy it could be if your OpenSVC service is made of 4 VG, 12 LV, 2 NFS mounts, 3 kvm virtual machines, 6 docker containers, still a single command to start or stop the overall ressources. About the promises ================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 agent.service.container.docker.multi_containers agent.service.container.docker.private_registry agent.service.container.docker.relocation agent.service.container.docker.high_availability agent.service.container.docker.multiple_docker_instances agent.service.container.docker.disaster_recovery_plan agent.service.container.docker.chargeback agent.service.container.docker.enterprise_architecture