Agent architecture


The "entry-point" lane shows how the daemon-less OpenSVC agent gets to run.

The system scheduler entry-point

The system scheduler entry-point wakes the OpenSVC internal node scheduler, which in turn spawns the service schedulers in threads.

Each task of the node scheduler can be executed directly through the nodemgr command, and each task of the service scheduler can be executed directly through the svcmgr command.

Most tasks produce data sent to the collector for site-level aggregation.

Node scheduler tasks

The node scheduler tasks schedules are defined in <OSVCETC>/node.conf. Each task has its own section supporting the schedule parameter. The section name is visible in sudo nodemgr print schedule output in the config parameter column.

$ sudo nodemgr print schedule
action                last run               config parameter          schedule definition
------                --------               ----------------          -------------------
auto_reboot           2015-07-28 17:00:01    reboot.schedule           16:00-17:00@1 sat:last,tue-mon:last * %2+1,feb-apr
auto_rotate_root_pw   2015-02-25 17:17:17    rotate_root_pw.schedule   -
checks                2015-09-22 07:50:01    checks.schedule           ["16:00-21:00@30 *:last", "! * wed", "*@1"]
compliance_auto       2015-09-22 00:30:03    compliance.schedule       00:00-01:00@61
dequeue_actions       2015-09-22 07:50:01    dequeue_actions.schedule  @1
pushasset             2015-09-22 03:00:01    asset.schedule            00:00-06:00@361 mon-sun
pushbrocade           2015-03-04 16:21:25    brocade.schedule          -
pushdcs               2015-03-04 16:21:25    dcs.schedule              -
pushdisks             2015-09-22 03:30:01    disks.schedule            00:00-06:00@361 mon-sun
pushemcvnx            -                      emcvnx.schedule           -
pusheva               2015-02-25 17:17:17    eva.schedule              -
pushfreenas           -                      freenas.schedule          -
pushhds               2015-03-04 16:21:25    hds.schedule              -
pushhp3par            2015-02-25 17:17:11    hp3par.schedule           -
pushibmds             2015-03-04 16:21:25    ibmds.schedule            -
pushibmsvc            2015-02-25 17:17:16    ibmsvc.schedule           -
pushnecism            2015-02-25 17:17:18    necism.schedule           -
pushnsr               2015-02-25 17:16:56    nsr.schedule              -
pushpatch             2015-09-22 03:20:02    patches.schedule          00:00-06:00@361 mon-sun
pushpkg               2015-09-22 02:50:02    packages.schedule         00:00-06:00@361 mon-sun
pushstats             2015-09-22 07:40:02    stats.schedule            ["00:00-23:59@10"]
pushsym               2015-03-04 16:21:25    sym.schedule              -
pushvioserver         2015-02-25 17:17:15    vioserver.schedule        -
sysreport             2015-09-22 02:00:02    sysreport.schedule        00:00-06:00@361 mon-sun

Service scheduler tasks

A service scheduler tasks schedules are defined in <OSVCETC>/<svcname>.env. The section and parameter names are visible in sudo svcmgr -s <svcname> print schedule output in the config parameter column.

$ sudo svcmgr -s testmd print schedule
action                last run               config parameter          schedule definition
------                --------               ----------------          -------------------
compliance_auto       2015-09-22 03:00:02    DEFAULT.comp_schedule     00:00-06:00@361
push_appinfo          2015-09-22 01:11:03    app#1.schedule            00:00-06:00@361
push_appinfo          2015-09-22 01:11:03    app#2.schedule            00:00-06:00@361
push_appinfo          2015-09-22 01:11:03    app#3.schedule            00:00-06:00@361
push_appinfo          2015-09-22 01:11:03    app#4.schedule            00:00-06:00@361
push_env              2015-09-22 03:00:02    DEFAULT.push_schedule     00:00-06:00@361
push_service_status   2015-09-22 07:50:02    DEFAULT.mon_schedule      @1
syncall               2015-09-22 08:00:07    sync#1.schedule           ["00:00-01:00@61", "01:00-23:59@10"]
syncall               2015-09-22 08:00:07    sync#i0.schedule          @2

Here, the push_appinfo and syncall tasks are mapped over respectivelly app and sync resources. Hence their number vary depending on the service configuration.

The inetd entry-point

Optionally, users can plug OpenSVC into the system's inetd service. A listening port is allocated to the agent and when the node receives a packet for this port, inetd executes the nodemgr dequeue actions command. This command fetch from the collector the list of agent actions to execute, executes them, and send results to the collector. This is the pull mode.

Alternaltively, the node can be configured to allow direct actions from the collector through ssh and sudo. This is the push mode.

Example configuration for the pull mode and systemd


Description=OpenSVC collector-queued actions handler

ExecStart=/usr/bin/nodemgr dequeue actions


Description=OpenSVC socket to receive collector notifications that actions are queued for the local agent




# sudo systemctl start opensvc-actions.socket