Metric tabs ----------- Properties ++++++++++ .. figure:: _static/ * Base metric properties * List of groups allowed to see the metric definition and rendering Request +++++++ .. figure:: _static/collector.tabs.metric.request.png The metric SQL request loaded in a text editor, and the tabular resultset. Revisions +++++++++ .. figure:: _static/collector.tabs.metric.revisions.png A timeline of all changes on the metric. The timeline can be scrolled horizontally and zoomed. Clicking on a change displays: * The diff of the change * The "Diff" button: Show the diff between the selected revision and the previous revision. * The "Diff to now" button: Show the diff between the selected revision and now. * The "Content" button: Show the full definition of the selected revision. * The "Rollback" button: Rollback the definition to the selected revision.