authkey ------- Description =========== * Installs or removes ssh public keys from authorized_key files * Looks up the authorized_key and authorized_key2 file location in the running sshd daemon configuration. * Add user to sshd_config AllowUser and AllowGroup if used * Reload sshd if sshd_config has been changed Example rule ============ :: { "action": "add", "authfile": "authorized_keys", "user": "testuser", "key": "ssh-dss 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 testuser" } Form definition =============== :: Desc: | Describe a list of ssh public keys to authorize login as the specified Unix user. Css: comp48 Outputs: - Dest: compliance variable Type: json Format: dict Class: authkey Inputs: - Id: action Label: Action DisplayModeLabel: action LabelCss: action16 Mandatory: Yes Type: string Candidates: - add - del Help: Defines wether the public key must be installed or uninstalled. - Id: user Label: User DisplayModeLabel: user LabelCss: guy16 Mandatory: Yes Type: string Help: Defines the Unix user name who will accept those ssh public keys. - Id: key Label: Public key DisplayModeLabel: key LabelCss: guy16 Mandatory: Yes Type: text DisplayModeTrim: 60 Help: The ssh public key as seen in authorized_keys files. - Id: authfile Label: Authorized keys file name DisplayModeLabel: authfile LabelCss: hd16 Mandatory: Yes Candidates: - authorized_keys - authorized_keys2 Default: authorized_keys2 Type: string Help: The authorized_keys file to write the keys into.