Modules deployment


The compliance modules must be installed on all nodes with modulesets attached. All modules can be safely installed : only the modules included in attached modulesets are used. The modules must be installed in <OSVCVAR>/compliance/.

Modules can be deployed using one of the following methods:

  • Push mode : a trusted server is responsible of pushing the modules to the nodes. The difficult part is the target node listing. Such lists can be extracted from the collector database.
  • Pull mode : each node is responsible from fetching the modules from a repository.

This chapter describes the last method.

Initialize the repository

The compliance repository file tree must organized as:

+- current -> compliance.tar.gz
+- compliance.tar.gz

Set up the published version

The OpenSVC agent downloads the file pointed by the link named current.

After the mirror initialization, you have to update the current link according to your own policies.

Set up the agents

The repository must be known to the agent. This set up is done with either the node.repo or the node.repocomp node.conf parameters.


This parameter allows to set up a URI pointing to a repository hosting both compliance gzipped tarballs in the compliance/ subdirectory and OpenSVC agent packages in the packages/ subdirectory.


This parameter allows to set up a URI pointing to a pure OpenSVC agent compliance repository. If specified node.repocomp overrides node.repo.


om node set --param node.repocomp --value http://my.repo.opensvc.corp:8080/compliance/

Updating the modules

The update command is:

om node updatecomp

This command is operating system agnostic.

Automatic modules update

The agent schedules a periodic compliance check run over modules of all attached modulesets. The default schedule is weekly, on sunday. It can be redefined in the compliance section of the node.conf file.

When this schedule is triggered, the agent can run the updatecomp action before proceding with the check run. This behaviour, not activated by default, is triggered by the auto_update = True in the compliance section of the node.conf file.

This feature ensures the scheduled check runs always work with the lastest published modules. Be aware that, while reducing the infrastructure maintenance cost and optimizing its reliability, this feature extends the perimeter affected by a bug introduced in a module.