node **** .. _cluster.node.allowed_networks: :kw:`allowed_networks` ====================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** **scope order** specific > generic **convert** list ================= ================================================================ The list of cidr blocks the agents allows creation of backend network into. Should be restricted to match your site constraints. .. _cluster.node.asset_env: :kw:`asset_env` =============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.branch: :kw:`branch` ============ ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ Set the targeted opensvc agent branch. The downloaded upgrades will honor that branch. If not set, the :kw:`repopkg` imposes the target branch, which is not recommended with a public repopkg. .. _cluster.node.dbcompliance: :kw:`dbcompliance` ================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** Same protocol, server and port as dbopensvc, but with an different path. **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ Set the uri of the collector's main xmlrpc server. The path part of the uri can be left unspecified. .. _cluster.node.dblog: :kw:`dblog` =========== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** True **scope order** specific > generic **convert** boolean ================= ================================================================ If true and dbopensvc is set, the objects action logs are reported to the collector. Set to false to disable log reporting to the collector, even if dbopensvc is set. .. _cluster.node.dblogcron: :kw:`dblogcron` =============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** True **scope order** specific > generic **convert** boolean ================= ================================================================ If true and dbopensvc is set, the objects croned action logs are reported to the collector. Set to false to disable croned actions log reporting to the collector. .. _cluster.node.dbopensvc: :kw:`dbopensvc` =============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ Set the uri of the collector main xmlrpc server. The path part of the uri can be left unspecified. If not set, the agent does not try to communicate with a collector. .. _cluster.node.env: :kw:`env` ========= ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** TST **scope order** specific > generic **candidates** CERT | DEV | DRP | FOR | INT | MUS | POC | PRA | PRD | PRJ | PPR | PPRD | QUAL | RCT | REC | STG | TMP | TST | UAT ================= ================================================================ A non-PRD service can not be brought up on a PRD node, but a PRD service can be startup on a non-PRD node (in a DRP situation). .. _cluster.node.loc_addr: :kw:`loc_addr` ============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.loc_building: :kw:`loc_building` ================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.loc_city: :kw:`loc_city` ============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.loc_country: :kw:`loc_country` ================= ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.loc_floor: :kw:`loc_floor` =============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.loc_rack: :kw:`loc_rack` ============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.loc_room: :kw:`loc_room` ============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.loc_zip: :kw:`loc_zip` ============= ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.maintenance_grace_period: :kw:`maintenance_grace_period` ============================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** 60 **scope order** specific > generic **convert** duration ================= ================================================================ A duration expression, like ``1m30s``, defining how long the daemon retains a remote in-maintenance (daemon restart or upgrade) node data. The maintenance state is announced to peers on daemon stop and daemon restart. The upgrade state is announced to peers on daemon stop for upgrade. The maintenance grace period does not apply to shutdown state. As long as the remote node data are retained, the local daemon won't try to takeover its running instances. This parameter should be adjusted to span the daemon restart time. .. _cluster.node.max_parallel: :kw:`max_parallel` ================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** 10 **scope order** specific > generic **convert** integer ================= ================================================================ Allow a maximum of :kw:`max_parallel` subprocesses to run simultaneously on :cmd:`om --parallel ` commands. .. _cluster.node.min_avail_mem: :kw:`min_avail_mem` =================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** 2% **scope order** specific > generic **convert** size ================= ================================================================ The minimum required available memory to allow orchestration. .. _cluster.node.min_avail_swap: :kw:`min_avail_swap` ==================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** 10% **scope order** specific > generic **convert** size ================= ================================================================ The minimum required available swap to allow orchestration. .. _cluster.node.pkg_format: :kw:`pkg_format` ================ ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** auto **scope order** specific > generic **candidates** tar | auto ================= ================================================================ Force usage of a package format. Only the tar format can be forced. .. _cluster.node.ready_period: :kw:`ready_period` ================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** 5 **scope order** specific > generic **convert** duration ================= ================================================================ A duration expression, like ``10s``, defining how long the daemon monitor waits before starting a service instance in ``ready`` state. A peer node can preempt the start during this period. Usually set to allow at least a couple of heartbeats to be received. .. _cluster.node.rejoin_grace_period: :kw:`rejoin_grace_period` ========================= ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** 90 **scope order** specific > generic **convert** duration ================= ================================================================ A duration expression, like ``90m``, defining how long the daemon restrains from taking start decisions if no heartbeat has been received from a peer since daemon startup. This should be adjusted to the maximum delay you can afford to give a chance to services to start on their placement leader after a simultaneous node reboot. .. _cluster.node.repo: :kw:`repo` ========== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ Set the uri of the opensvc agent package repository and compliance modules gzipped tarball repository. This parameter is used by the :cmd:`om node updatepkg` and :cmd:`om node updatecomp` commands. Expected repository structure:: ROOT +- compliance +- compliance-100.tar.gz +- compliance-101.tar.gz +- current -> compliance-101.tar.gz +- packages +- deb +- depot +- pkg +- sunos-pkg +- rpms +- current -> 2.0/current +- 1.9 +- current -> opensvc-1.9-50.rpm +- opensvc-1.9-49.rpm +- opensvc-1.9-50.rpm +- 2.0 +- current -> opensvc-2.0-90.rpm +- opensvc-2.0-90.rpm +- tbz .. _cluster.node.repocomp: :kw:`repocomp` ============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ Set the uri of the opensvc compliance modules gzipped tarball repository. This parameter is used by the :cmd:`om node updatecomp` command. Expected repository structure:: ROOT +- compliance-100.tar.gz +- compliance-101.tar.gz +- current -> compliance-101.tar.gz .. _cluster.node.repopkg: :kw:`repopkg` ============= ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ Set the uri of the opensvc agent package repository. This parameter is used by the :cmd:`om node updatepkg` command. Expected repository structure:: ROOT +- deb +- depot +- pkg +- sunos-pkg +- rpms +- current -> 2.0/current +- 1.9 +- current -> opensvc-1.9-50.rpm +- opensvc-1.9-49.rpm +- opensvc-1.9-50.rpm +- 2.0 +- current -> opensvc-2.0-90.rpm +- opensvc-2.0-90.rpm +- tbz .. _cluster.node.ruser: :kw:`ruser` =========== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** root **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ Set the remote user to use to login to a remote node with ssh and rsync. The remote user must have the privileges to run as root the following commands on the remote node: * om * rsync The default ruser is root for all nodes. ruser accepts a list of user[@node] ... If @node is ommited, user is considered the new default user. .. _cluster.node.sec_zone: :kw:`sec_zone` ============== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.secure_fetch: :kw:`secure_fetch` ================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** True **scope order** specific > generic **convert** boolean ================= ================================================================ If set to false, disable ssl authentication checks on all uri fetches. .. _cluster.node.split_action: :kw:`split_action` ================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** crash **scope order** specific > generic **candidates** crash | reboot ================= ================================================================ Commit suicide method when cluster split occur. Default is crash. reboot method may be used instead of crash when it is not simple to poweron node after crash. .. _cluster.node.team_integ: :kw:`team_integ` ================ ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value. .. _cluster.node.team_support: :kw:`team_support` ================== ================= ================================================================ **scopable** False **required** False **default** None **scope order** specific > generic ================= ================================================================ An asset information to push to the collector on pushasset, overriding the currently stored value.