.. index:: contrib, git, patch, translation Contribute ********** OpenSVC projects, including this documentation, are hosted on Github. Install Git =========== :: sudo apt-get install git git config --global user.name "First Last Name" git config --global user.email "first.lastname@domain.com" Clone a Project =============== :: git clone https://github.com/opensvc/docs.opensvc.com.git git clone https://github.com/opensvc/opensvc.git Or fork on Github and clone from there. Send Patches ============ Submit a merge request through Github for projects hosted there. Contribute Documentations ========================= Getting Started --------------- Install the sphinx documentation generator and ansi2html software https://github.com/ralphbean/ansi2html For example, on a debian-based system: :: sudo apt-get install python-sphinx python-sphinx-rtd-theme Install aha: :: sudo apt -y install aha Clone the documentation project: :: git clone https://github.com/opensvc/docs.opensvc.com.git Step into the cloned project directory: :: cd docs.opensvc.com Modify the documentation source files (.rst located in the ``sources`` directory), and then use the Makefile to build the html documentations: :: make clean ; make osvc Once the build is done, all html files can be found in the ``docs.opensvc.com/build/html`` folder. Command Line Output Coloring ---------------------------- When producing command line output, it is expected to follow the steps below to preserve colors, so as to provide a better experience for futures readers: First generate raw html code from cli: :: $ om node print devs --color=yes | aha -n Edit the .rst document and copy/paste the previous output in a ``.. raw:: html`` block, enclosed between ``
`` and ``
`` : :: .. raw:: html
            centos71.opensvc.com                          Type    Size  Pct of Parent  
            `- vda                                        linear  15g   -              
               |- vda1                                    linear  500m  3%             
               `- vda2                                    linear  14g   96%            
                  |- centos_centos71-swap                 linear  1g    10%            
                  `- centos_centos71-root                 linear  13g   89%            
                     |- loop2                             linear  50m   0%             
                     |  |- testsvc1-lv1                   linear  20m   40%            
                     |  `- testsvc1-lv2                   linear  20m   40%            
                     |- loop1                             linear  100m  0%             
                     |  |- testsvc3-lv2                   linear  20m   20%            
                     |  |- testsvc3-lv1-real              linear  52m   52%            
                     |  |  |- testsvc3-lv1                linear  52m   100%           
                     |  |  `- testsvc3-osvc_sync_lv1      linear  52m   100%           
                     |  `- testsvc3-osvc_sync_lv1-cow     linear  8m    8%             
                     |     `- testsvc3-osvc_sync_lv1      linear  52m   650%           
                     `- loop0                             linear  100m  0%             
                        |- testsvc2-lv1                   linear  52m   52%            
                        `- testsvc2-lv2                   linear  20m   20%            
After building html documentation, the result looks like: .. raw:: html
	centos71.opensvc.com                          Type    Size  Pct of Parent  
	`- vda                                        linear  15g   -              
	   |- vda1                                    linear  500m  3%             
	   `- vda2                                    linear  14g   96%            
	      |- centos_centos71-swap                 linear  1g    10%            
	      `- centos_centos71-root                 linear  13g   89%            
	         |- loop2                             linear  50m   0%             
	         |  |- testsvc1-lv1                   linear  20m   40%            
	         |  `- testsvc1-lv2                   linear  20m   40%            
	         |- loop1                             linear  100m  0%             
	         |  |- testsvc3-lv2                   linear  20m   20%            
	         |  |- testsvc3-lv1-real              linear  52m   52%            
	         |  |  |- testsvc3-lv1                linear  52m   100%           
	         |  |  `- testsvc3-osvc_sync_lv1      linear  52m   100%           
	         |  `- testsvc3-osvc_sync_lv1-cow     linear  8m    8%             
	         |     `- testsvc3-osvc_sync_lv1      linear  52m   650%           
	         `- loop0                             linear  100m  0%             
	            |- testsvc2-lv1                   linear  52m   52%            
	            `- testsvc2-lv2                   linear  20m   20%            
Decorating with sphinx roles ---------------------------- It is recommended to use the sphinx roles below to improve documentation rendering. As an example for a service, use the syntax:: :c-svc:`svc1` which will be rendered as :c-svc:`svc1` +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Role Syntax | Rendering | +===================================================+===============================================+ | ``:c-action:`action``` | :c-action:`action` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-docker-repo:`repo``` | :c-docker-repo:`repo` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-docker-registry:`registry``` | :c-docker-registry:`registry` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-node:`node``` | :c-node:`node` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-svc:`svc``` | :c-svc:`svc` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-res:`res``` | :c-res:`res` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-tag:`tag``` | :c-tag:`tag` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-svc-env:`svc-env``` | :c-svc-env:`svc-env` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-env:`env``` | :c-env:`env` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-pkg:`pkg``` | :c-pkg:`pkg` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-net:`net``` | :c-net:`net` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-check:`check``` | :c-check:`check` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-form:`form``` | :c-form:`form` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-report:`report``` | :c-report:`report` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-metric:`metric``` | :c-metric:`metric` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-chart:`chart``` | :c-chart:`chart` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-group:`group``` | :c-group:`group` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-priv:`priv``` | :c-priv:`priv` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-user:`user``` | :c-user:`user` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-dns-domain:`domain.com``` | :c-dns-domain:`domain.com` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-dns-record:`example.com. IN A``` | :c-dns-record:`example.com. IN A` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-fset:`fset``` | :c-fset:`fset` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-disk:`disk``` | :c-disk:`disk` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-array:`array``` | :c-array:`array` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-diskgroup:`diskgroup``` | :c-diskgroup:`diskgroup` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-rule:`rule``` | :c-rule:`rule` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-rset:`ruleset``` | :c-rset:`ruleset` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-modset:`moduleset``` | :c-modset:`moduleset` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-mod:`module``` | :c-mod:`module` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-app:`application``` | :c-app:`application` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-close:`close``` | :c-close:`close` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-fullscreen:`fullscreen``` | :c-fullscreen:`fullscreen` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-shrink:`shrink``` | :c-shrink:`shrink` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:c-link:`link``` | :c-link:`link` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:kw:`keyword``` | :kw:`keyword` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:cmd:`command``` | :cmd:`command` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``:opt:`opt``` | :opt:`opt` | +---------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. seealso:: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/contents.html `Sphinx Documentation `_ Contribute Translations ======================= Install the sphinx documentation generator. For example, on a debian-based system: :: sudo apt-get install python-sphinx python-sphinx-rtd-theme Clone the documentation project or your own Github project fork. :: git clone https://github.com/opensvc/docs.opensvc.com.git Step into the cloned project directory: :: cd docs.opensvc.com If starting a new translation, you have to add the new language support to the Makefile. Here are for example the definitions for the french translation you can clone: :: html_fr: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html -Dlanguage=fr $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/html/fr po_fr: @for pot in `echo $(POT_D)/*.pot` ; do \ base_pot=`basename $$pot` ; \ po=$(TRANS_D)/fr/`echo $$base_pot | sed "s/t$$//"` ; \ echo "merge new strings in $$po" ; \ touch $$po ; \ msgmerge -s -U $$po $$pot ; \ done mo_fr: @for po in `echo $(TRANS_D)/fr/*.po` ; do \ base_po=`basename $$po` ; \ mo=$(TRANS_D)/fr/LC_MESSAGES/`echo $$base_po | sed "s/po$$/mo/"` ; \ echo "gen hash in $$mo" ; \ msgfmt -c -v -o $$mo $$po ; \ done Then plug your new targets in the generic targets: :: po: po_fr mo: mo_fr osvc: html html_fr Create or refresh the translation files: :: make pot po_ This last command refreshed the .pot (strings index) and created the .po (translation) files. You can now add your translation in the .po files in ``source/translated//``. Here is an example of translated content: :: # 21aa40c7358948d9a69b6813104fd253 # 27fda7e570224a56b6e2631b1c302fd7 #: ../../contribute.rst:57 ../../contribute.rst:91 msgid "Set up :cmd:`msmtp`::" msgstr "Configuration de :cmd:`msmtp` ::" Don't forget to create the directory ``source/translated//LC_MESSAGES/``. Finally, create the .mo (binary translation) and html files with: :: make mo_ html_ Note you can see what string miss translating in the output of the mo target. For example: :: gen hash in source/translated/fr/LC_MESSAGES/agent.install.mo 82 translated messages, 2 fuzzy translations, 8 untranslated messages. Verify your translation pointing a web browser to your local directory. When satisfied, ``git add`` and ``git commit`` your touched files (don't track the .mo and html files), and submit your commits using the procedures described in the previous chapters.