NFS4 High Availability setup - Container integration **************************************************** This howto describes a NFS4 Only HA service setup using modern OpenSVC features. It has been tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7 nodes. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Content: howto.nfs4ha.cont Prerequisites ============= ========================================== ==================================== Prerequisite Example ========================================== ==================================== 2 nodes | node1 ```` | node2 ```` ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ A failover ip address for NFS4 server ```` ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Shared storage (san, iscsi, ...) or drbd ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ OpenSVC agent 2.1+ installed ========================================== ==================================== Setup LVM2 ---------- Configure a lvm2 volume group, to host a lvm2 logical volume to use as the drbd backing device :: dnf -y install lvm2 pvcreate /dev/vdb vgcreate datavg /dev/vdb Setup DRBD ---------- Kernel module & utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Linbit `_ DRBD kernel modules for RHEL are available on `ElRepo `_ :: dnf -y install rpm --import sed -i 's/^mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/' /etc/yum.repos.d/elrepo.repo dnf -y install kmod-drbd90 drbd90-utils You can verify that drbd is ready with the command below .. raw:: html
    [root@node1 ~]# modinfo drbd | grep ^version
    version:        9.1.13
Setup podman ------------ Install and configure podman for container management on Red Hat systems :: dnf -y install podman podman network create loopback curl -o /etc/cni/net.d/loopback.conflist mkdir -p /etc/containers/containers.conf.d echo -e '[network]\ndefault_network = "loopback"' > /etc/containers/containers.conf.d/opensvc.loopback.conf .. note:: By default, cni connect a container on the ``podman`` network, and assign an ip addr in the ```` network. As we expect that the network configuration is managed by the opensvc agent, we configure podman to connect containers on a basic private network namespace with only a loopback ip address Setup OpenSVC ------------- Install OpenSVC ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **On both nodes** :: dnf -y install python3 python3-cryptography curl -o opensvc-2.1-latest.rpm dnf -y install ./opensvc-2.1-latest.rpm Join cluster nodes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **On node1** :: [root@node1 ~]# om cluster set --kw hb#1.type=unicast [root@node1 ~]# om cluster set --kw [root@node1 ~]# om cluster get --kw cluster.secret b26a1e28b84a11edab28525400d67af6 **On node2** :: [root@node2 ~]# om daemon join --node node1 --secret b26a1e28b84a11edab28525400d67af6 @ n:node2 local node is already frozen join node node1 W local node is left frozen as it was already before join **On node1** Unfreeze nodes and setup root ssh trust:: om node thaw om node update ssh authorized keys --node='*' .. note:: Ensure that you can ssh as root from one node to another without being prompted for a password You should now have a configured cluster, like: .. raw:: html
    [root@node1 ~]# om mon
    Threads                               node1        node2       
     daemon         running             |                          
     hb#1.rx        running  [::]:10000 | /            O           
     hb#1.tx        running             | /            O           
     listener       running       :1214
     monitor        running            
     scheduler      running            
    Nodes                                 node1        node2       
     score                              | 69           69           
      load 15m                          | 0.0          0.0         
      mem                               | 12/98%:1.77g 11/98%:1.77g
      swap                              | -            -           
     state                              |                              

    */svc/*                               node1        node2       
Setup storage pool ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We configure a cluster storage pool for volume objects automated provisioning. It is a drbd pool backed by a lvm2 volume group. `More setups `_ relying on other technologies are also supported. **On node1** :: om cluster set --kw pool#drbd.type=drbd --kw --kw pool#drbd.status_schedule=@1 om pool status .. raw:: html
    [root@node1 ~]# om pool status
    name        type       caps                             head                             vols  size    used   free 
    |- default  directory  rox,rwx,roo,rwo,blk              /var/lib/opensvc/pool/directory  0     9.89g   3.34g  6.55g
    `- shm      shm        rox,rwx,roo,rwo,blk              /dev/shm                         0     906m    84.0k  906m

    [root@node1 ~]# om cluster set --kw pool#drbd.type=drbd --kw --kw pool#drbd.status_schedule=@1

    [root@node1 ~]# om pool status
    name        type       caps                             head                             vols  size    used   free 
    |- default  directory  rox,rwx,roo,rwo,blk              /var/lib/opensvc/pool/directory  0     9.89g   3.34g  6.55g
    |- drbd     drbd       rox,rwx,roo,rwo,snap,blk,shared  datavg                           1     100.0g  0m   100.0g
    `- shm      shm        rox,rwx,roo,rwo,blk              /dev/shm                         0     906m    84.0k  906m

Setup network configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We configure OpenSVC to share CNI configuration path with podman :: om cluster set --kw cni.config="/etc/cni/net.d" Deploy the service ================== Install config map ------------------ We create a config map object ``test/cfg/nfsv4`` to store a ``exports`` key containing the ``/etc/exports`` file. The config map is replicated accross cluster nodes, and injected in the nfs container. :: om test/cfg/nfsv4 create ; curl -o - \ | \ sed -e 's@ROOTFS@@' | \ om test/cfg/nfsv4 add --key exports --from=- .. note:: The key ``export`` can be modified with the command ``om test/cfg/nfsv4 edit --key exports``. The container is immediately updated with new content. Depending on applications, it may be needed to send signals or restart some process to reflect the change. Deploy with NFS container disabled ---------------------------------- Create the opensvc service using the name ``nfsv4``, in the ``test`` namespace, using a ``5G`` volume provisioned in the ``drbd`` pool, backed by ``datavg`` lvm2 volume group, reachable using the public dns name ```` configured on interface named ``eth0`` and default gateway ```` **On node1** :: om test/svc/nfsv4 deploy \ --config \ --env size=5G \ --env \ --env gateway= \ --env nic=eth0 .. note:: The config used in this command has NFS container ressource disabled. Using that trick, we can configure NFS later, and test core (ip, disk, fs) failovers early. This is convenient for tutoring, but in other situations you may want to use `--config` for a one-step deployment. This command creates and configures the system resources needed by the service on both nodes: * OpenSVC volume object ``test/vol/nfsv4.test.svc.cluster1`` * 5GB logical volume in datavg volume group * drbd ressources on both nodes (creation and synchronisation) * ext4 filesystem * OpenSVC service object ``test/svc/nfsv4`` After a few minutes (DRBD synchronisation time), you should end up in this situation: Service object test/svc/nfsv4 status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
    [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 print status -r
    test/svc/nfsv4                    up                                                             
    `- instances             
       |- node2                       down       idle                              
       `- node1                       up         idle, started   
          |- ip#1            ........ up         netns macvlan eth0@container#0 
          |- volume#cfg      ........ up         nfsv4-cfg                                           
          |- volume#data     ........ up         nfsv4-data                                          
          |- container#0     ...../.. up         podman                       
          |- container#debug ...O./.. up         podman   
          |- container#nfs   ..D../.. n/a        podman                    
          |- sync#i0         ..DO./.. n/a        rsync svc config to nodes                           
          `- task#export     ...O./.. n/a                                                               
Volume object test/vol/nfsv4-data status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
    [root@node1 ~]# om test/vol/nfsv4-data print status -r
    test/vol/nfsv4-data                   up                                                           
    |- instances                 
    |  |- node2                           stdby up   idle                            
    |  `- node1                           up         idle, started 
    |     |- disk#1              ......S. stdby up   lv datavg/nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1            
    |     |- disk#2              ......S. stdby up   drbd nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1                 
    |     |                                          info: Primary                                     
    |     |- fs#1                ........ up         xfs /dev/drbd0@/srv/nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1  
    |     `- sync#i0             ..DO./.. n/a        rsync svc config to nodes                         
    `- children                  
       `- test/svc/nfsv4                  up         
    [root@node1 ~]# 
.. note:: The agent automatically manages the dependency between the volume object and the service that uses it. Test the core failover ---------------------- This step is only useful to ensure ip, drbd and filesystem fails over forth and back between nodes, before continuing with the the NFS4 layer setup. Initial situation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The green ``O`` means that the service is currently running on ``node1`` **On node1 or node2** .. raw:: html
    [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 mon
    test/svc/nfsv4                   node1 node2
     test/svc/nfsv4 up ha    1/1   | O^    S    
Move service to node2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``switch`` action will relocate the service to the other node. The red ``^`` means that the service is not running on its preferred node. **On node1 or node2** .. raw:: html
        [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 switch
        @ n:node1 o:test/svc/nfsv4 sc:n
        test/svc/nfsv4 defer target state set to placed@node2

        [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 mon
        test/svc/nfsv4                    node1 node2
         test/svc/nfsv4 up^ ha    1/1   | S^    O    
Move back service to node1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We can use either ``switch`` action, or ``giveback`` to move the service to its preferred node. **On node1 or node2** .. raw:: html
        [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 giveback
        @ n:node1 o:test/svc/nfsv4 sc:n
        test/svc/nfsv4 defer target state set to placed

        [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 mon
        test/svc/nfsv4                   node1 node2
         test/svc/nfsv4 up ha    1/1   | O^    S    
Enable NFS4 ----------- We only have to start the NFS container to open the service to nfs clients. Enable & start NFS container resource ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **On node1** .. raw:: html
    [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 enable --rid container#nfs
    @ n:node1 o:test/svc/nfsv4 sc:n
      remove container#nfs.disable

    [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 start --rid container#nfs
    @ n:node1 o:test/svc/nfsv4 sc:n
      add rid volume#cfg, volume#data to satisfy dependencies
    @ n:node1 o:test/vol/nfsv4-cfg r:fs#1 sc:n
      shmfs@/srv/nfsv4-cfg.test.vol.cluster1 is already mounted
    @ n:node1 o:test/vol/nfsv4-data r:disk#1 sc:n
      lv datavg/nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1 is already up
    @ n:node1 o:test/vol/nfsv4-data r:disk#2 sc:n
      drbd resource nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1 is already connected
      drbd resource nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1 is already Primary
    @ n:node1 o:test/vol/nfsv4-data r:fs#1 sc:n
      xfs /dev/drbd0@/srv/nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1 is already mounted
    @ n:node1 o:test/svc/nfsv4 r:container#nfs sc:n
      push start timeout to 05s (cached) + 02m (pull)
      /usr/bin/podman --cgroup-manager cgroupfs --namespace test/svc/nfsv4 --cni-config-dir /opt/cni/net.d run --detach --name=test..nfsv4.container.nfs --label=com.opensvc.path=test/svc/nfsv4 --label=com.opensvc.namespace=test --label=com.opensvc.kind=svc --label=com.opensvc.rid=container#nfs --net=container:nfsv4.test.svc.cluster1 --privileged --interactive --tty --volume=/srv/nfsv4-data.test.vol.cluster1/nfsroot:/nfsroot:rw --volume=/srv/nfsv4-cfg.test.vol.cluster1/exports:/etc/exports:rw --cgroup-parent /opensvc.slice/test.slice/nfsv4.slice/container.slice/container.nfs.slice/libpod
      command successful but stderr:
      | Trying to pull
      | Getting image source signatures
      | Copying blob sha256:9d73dea3c93cc738c79106e22047202fb44c2aedc67363efde3d800b9d0db133
      | Copying blob sha256:a2256e557c9708413c79ce773b7836c1404f7854b23fcf98acb689f605b1d4f1
      | Copying blob sha256:c9b1b535fdd91a9855fb7f82348177e5f019329a58c53c47272962dd60f71fc9
      | Copying blob sha256:6d139d4da1b78cf4ee0252c4cf11a5cf1533c0cf335193994d7ba8adca3871af
      | Copying blob sha256:3b70709af63f2cddee828caa2b67ce6955d9970764c9fd1417b0f8897cea0158
      | Copying blob sha256:629143a5f3af431ab94b4eb287ee0cb674398f5e8743190ee73578f671072893
      | Copying blob sha256:f5fa07c1b71752a226cc735949df3b1de3809ffb9878ba7fd63aac12ddbed1c9
      | Copying config sha256:cffcaf83b3f51ae506d98c18ae7409cc659a62d546321248d1f462f1a2fc9ba0
      | Writing manifest to image destination
      | Storing signatures
      | e3ccb669cf66358dd7e37860bec0b0b29c131fd66f269ae451458342c982c9ba
      wait for up status
      wait for container operational

    [root@node1 ~]# om test/svc/nfsv4 print status -r
    test/svc/nfsv4                    up                                                             
    `- instances             
      |- node2                       down       idle                              
      `- node1                       up         idle, started   
         |- ip#1            ........ up         netns macvlan eth0@container#0 
         |- volume#cfg      ........ up         nfsv4-cfg                                           
         |- volume#data     ........ up         nfsv4-data                                          
         |- container#0     ...../.. up         podman                       
         |- container#debug ...O./.. up         podman   
         |- container#nfs   ...../.. up         podman                    
         |- sync#i0         ..DO./.. n/a        rsync svc config to nodes                           
         `- task#export     ...O./.. n/a                                                                    
    [root@node1 ~]#
Test ==== Connect clients --------------- You should be able to mount the nfsroot share from any client. :: [root@client ~]# mount -v -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 /mnt mount.nfs4: timeout set for Thu Mar 2 17:11:37 2023 mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 'proto=tcp,port=2049,vers=4.2,addr=,clientaddr=' [root@client ~]# df -h /mnt Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 4860M 0 4560M 0% /mnt Test the failover ----------------- Start nfs clients activity (fio runs for example). Reboot the node hosting the active service instance. .. warning:: Please note that OpenSVC is not responsible of the NFS4 container image joebiellik/nfs4. It may need adaptations to fit your requirements. You can also change it for another image. Admin Tasks =========== modify exports -------------- You may want to change the nfs exports list using the 2-steps procedure below :: om test/cfg/nfsv4 edit --key exports om test/svc/nfsv4 run --rid task#export .. note:: The agent automatically push the new export file into the container once it is saved on disk. The ``task#export`` ressource execution proceed with the new nfs shares export. network troubleshoot -------------------- If you experience any network issue, you can troubleshoot by entering the container network namespace using ``container#debug``. It has all network tools (netstat, ip, ...) :: om test/svc/nfsv4 enter --rid container#debug