disk.amazon resource templateΒΆ

#                                                                            #
# disk, type amazon                                                          #
#                                                                            #

;type = amazon

# keyword:       volumes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     True
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace separated list of amazon volumes. Any member of the
#         list can be set to a special <key=value,key=value> value. In this
#         case the provisioner will allocate a new volume with the specified
#         characteristics and replace this member with the allocated volume
#         id. The supported keys are the same as those supported by the awscli
#         ec2 create-volume command: size, iops, availability-zone, snapshot,
#         type and encrypted.
;volumes = vol-123456 vol-654321

# keyword:       prkey
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  Defines a specific persistent reservation key for the resource.
#         Takes priority over the service-level defined prkey and the
#         node.conf specified prkey.
;prkey = foo

# keyword:       restart
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      0
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  The agent will try to restart a resource n times before falling back
#         to the monitor action.
;restart = 0

# keyword:       tags
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A list of tags. Arbitrary tags can be used to limit action scope to
#         resources with a specific tag. Some tags can influence the driver
#         behaviour. For example the 'encap' tag assigns the resource to the
#         encapsulated service, 'noaction' avoids any state changing action
#         from the driver, 'nostatus' forces the status to n/a.
;tags = foo

# keyword:       subset
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  Assign the resource to a specific subset.
;subset = foo

# keyword:       monitor
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      False
#  candidates:   True | False
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A monitored resource will trigger a node suicide if the service has
#         a heartbeat resource in up state
;monitor = False

# keyword:       disable
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      False
#  candidates:   True | False
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A disabled resource will be ignored on service startup and shutdown.
;disable = False

# keyword:       disable_on
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      []
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     False
#  desc:  A whitelist-separated list of nodes to disable the resource on. A
#         disabled resource will be ignored on service startup and shutdown.
;disable_on = []

# keyword:       enable_on
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      []
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     False
#  desc:  A whitelist-separated list of nodes to enable the resource on. Takes
#         precedence over disable and disable_on.
;enable_on = []

# keyword:       optional
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      False
#  candidates:   True | False
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  Possible values are 'true' or 'false'. Actions on resource will be
#         tried upon service startup and shutdown, but action failures will be
#         logged and passed over. Useful for resources like dump filesystems
#         for example.
;optional = False

# keyword:       always_on
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   nodes | drpnodes | nodes drpnodes
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     False
#  desc:  Possible values are 'nodes', 'drpnodes' or 'nodes drpnodes', or a
#         list of nodes. Sets the nodes on which the resource is always kept
#         up. Primary usage is file synchronization receiving on non-shared
#         disks. Don't set this on shared disk !! danger !!
;always_on = nodes

# keyword:       pre_unprovision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource unprovision
#         action. Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_unprovision = foo

# keyword:       post_unprovision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource unprovision
#         action. Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_unprovision = foo

# keyword:       pre_provision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource provision action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_provision = foo

# keyword:       post_provision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource provision action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_provision = foo

# keyword:       pre_start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource start action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_start = foo

# keyword:       post_start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource start action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_start = foo

# keyword:       pre_stop
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource stop action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_stop = foo

# keyword:       post_stop
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource stop action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_stop = foo

# keyword:       pre_sync_nodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_nodes
#         action. Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_sync_nodes = foo

# keyword:       post_sync_nodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_nodes action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_sync_nodes = foo

# keyword:       pre_sync_drp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_drp action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_sync_drp = foo

# keyword:       post_sync_drp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_drp action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_sync_drp = foo

# keyword:       pre_sync_resync
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_resync
#         action. Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_sync_resync = foo

# keyword:       post_sync_resync
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_resync
#         action. Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_sync_resync = foo

# keyword:       pre_sync_update
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_update
#         action. Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_sync_update = foo

# keyword:       post_sync_update
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_update
#         action. Errors do not interrupt the action.
;post_sync_update = foo

# keyword:       pre_run
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource run action.
#         Errors do not interrupt the action.
;pre_run = foo

# keyword:       post_run
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource run action. Errors
#         do not interrupt the action.
;post_run = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_unprovision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource unprovision
#         action. Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_unprovision = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_unprovision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource unprovision
#         action. Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_unprovision = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_provision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource provision action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_provision = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_provision
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource provision action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_provision = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource start action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_start = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_start
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource start action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_start = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_stop
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource stop action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_stop = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_stop
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource stop action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_stop = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_sync_nodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_nodes
#         action. Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_sync_nodes = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_sync_nodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_nodes action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_sync_nodes = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_sync_drp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_drp action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_sync_drp = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_sync_drp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_drp action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_sync_drp = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_sync_resync
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_resync
#         action. Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_sync_resync = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_sync_resync
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_resync
#         action. Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_sync_resync = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_sync_update
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource sync_update
#         action. Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_sync_update = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_sync_update
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource sync_update
#         action. Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_sync_update = foo

# keyword:       blocking_pre_run
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute before the resource run action.
#         Errors interrupt the action.
;blocking_pre_run = foo

# keyword:       blocking_post_run
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      None
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A command or script to execute after the resource run action. Errors
#         interrupt the action.
;blocking_post_run = foo

# keyword:       unprovision_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'unprovision' action. A condition is expressed as
#         <rid>(<state>,...). If states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as
#         the default expected states.
;unprovision_requires =

# keyword:       provision_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'provision' action. A condition is expressed as
#         <rid>(<state>,...). If states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as
#         the default expected states.
;provision_requires =

# keyword:       start_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'start' action. A condition is expressed as <rid>(<state>,...). If
#         states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as the default expected
#         states.
;start_requires =

# keyword:       stop_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'stop' action. A condition is expressed as <rid>(<state>,...). If
#         states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as the default expected
#         states.
;stop_requires =

# keyword:       sync_nodes_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'sync_nodes' action. A condition is expressed as
#         <rid>(<state>,...). If states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as
#         the default expected states.
;sync_nodes_requires =

# keyword:       sync_drp_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'sync_drp' action. A condition is expressed as <rid>(<state>,...).
#         If states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as the default expected
#         states.
;sync_drp_requires =

# keyword:       sync_update_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'sync_update' action. A condition is expressed as
#         <rid>(<state>,...). If states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as
#         the default expected states.
;sync_update_requires =

# keyword:       sync_break_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'sync_break' action. A condition is expressed as
#         <rid>(<state>,...). If states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as
#         the default expected states.
;sync_break_requires =

# keyword:       sync_resync_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'sync_resync' action. A condition is expressed as
#         <rid>(<state>,...). If states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as
#         the default expected states.
;sync_resync_requires =

# keyword:       run_requires
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:
#  candidates:   None
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     True
#  desc:  A whitespace-separated list of conditions to meet to accept running
#         a 'run' action. A condition is expressed as <rid>(<state>,...). If
#         states are omitted, 'up,stdby up' is used as the default expected
#         states.
;run_requires =

# keyword:       scsireserv
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  required:     False
#  provisioning: False
#  default:      False
#  candidates:   True | False
#  depends:      None
#  scopable:     False
#  desc:  If set to 'true', OpenSVC will try to acquire a type-5 (write
#         exclusive, registrant only) scsi3 persistent reservation on every
#         path to disks of every disk group attached to this service. Existing
#         reservations are preempted to not block service start-up. If the
#         start-up was not legitimate the data are still protected from being
#         written over from both nodes. If set to 'false' or not set,
#         'scsireserv' can be activated on a per-resource basis.
;scsireserv = False