# #
# #
# keyword: mode
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: hosted
# candidates: hosted | sg | vcs | rhcs
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: The mode decides upon disposition OpenSVC takes to bring a service
# up or down : virtualized services need special actions to prepare
# and boot the container for example, which is not needed for 'hosted'
# services.
;mode = hosted
# keyword: lock_timeout
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 60
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: The duration in seconds the agent wait for the action lock
# acquisition before aborting the action. The svcmgr --waitlock
# parameter overrides this option.
;lock_timeout = 60
# keyword: pkg_name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: mode in ['vcs', 'sg', 'rhcs']
# scopable: True
# desc: The wrapped cluster package name, as known to the cluster manager in
# charge.
;pkg_name = foo
# keyword: docker_daemon_private
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: True
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: If set to False, this service will use the system's shared docker
# daemon instance. This is parameter is forced to False on non-Linux
# systems.
;docker_daemon_private = True
# keyword: flex_primary
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: <first node of the nodes parameter>
# candidates: None
# depends: cluster_type in ['flex']
# scopable: True
# desc: The node in charge of syncing the other nodes. --cluster actions on
# the flex_primary are execute on all peer nodes (ie, not drpnodes).
;flex_primary = <first node of the nodes parameter>
# keyword: drp_flex_primary
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: <first node of the drpnodes parameter>
# candidates: None
# depends: cluster_type in ['flex']
# scopable: True
# desc: The drpnode in charge of syncing the other drpnodes. --cluster
# actions on the drp_flex_primary are execute on all drpnodes (ie, not
# pri nodes).
;drp_flex_primary = <first node of the drpnodes parameter>
# keyword: rollback
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: True
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: If set to False, the default rollback on action error is inhibited,
# leaving the service in its half-started state.
;rollback = True
# keyword: status_schedule
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: @10
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The service status evaluation schedule. See
# usr/share/doc/template.node.conf for the schedule syntax.
;status_schedule = @10
# keyword: comp_schedule
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 00:00-06:00@361
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The service compliance run schedule. See
# usr/share/doc/template.node.conf for the schedule syntax.
;comp_schedule = 00:00-06:00@361
# keyword: monitor_schedule
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: @1
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The service resource monitor schedule. See
# usr/share/doc/template.node.conf for the schedule syntax.
;monitor_schedule = @1
# keyword: resinfo_schedule
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: @60
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The service resource info push schedule. See
# usr/share/doc/template.node.conf for the schedule syntax.
;resinfo_schedule = @60
# keyword: push_schedule
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 00:00-06:00@361
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The service configuration emission to the collector schedule. See
# usr/share/doc/template.node.conf for the schedule syntax.
;push_schedule = 00:00-06:00@361
# keyword: sync_schedule
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 04:00-06:00@121
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The default sync resources schedule. See
# usr/share/doc/template.node.conf for the schedule syntax.
;sync_schedule = 04:00-06:00@121
# keyword: docker_exe
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: If you have multiple docker versions installed and want the service
# to stick to a version whatever the PATH definition, you should set
# this parameter to the full path to the docker executable.
;docker_exe = /usr/bin/docker-1.8
# keyword: docker_data_dir
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: If the service has docker-type container resources and
# docker_daemon_private is set to True, the service handles the
# startup of a private docker daemon. Its socket is
# <pathvar>/<svcname>/docker.sock, and its data directory must be
# specified using this parameter. This organization is necessary to
# enable service relocalization.
;docker_data_dir = /srv/svc1/data/docker
# keyword: docker_daemon_args
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: If the service has docker-type container resources, the service
# handles the startup of a private docker daemon. OpenSVC sets the
# socket and data dir parameters. Admins can set extra parameters
# using this keyword. For example, it can be useful to set the --ip
# parameter for a docker registry service.
;docker_daemon_args = --ip
# keyword: docker_swarm_args
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The arguments passed to docker swarm init on the flex primary, and
# to docker swarm join on the the other nodes. The --token argument
# must not be specified, as it is handled by the agent. Scoping this
# parameter permits to set additional parameters on the flex_primary
# for use with swarm init only, like --autolock.
;docker_swarm_args = --advertize-addr {ip#0.ipname} --listen-addr {ip#0.ipname}
# keyword: prkey
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: Defines a specific default persistent reservation key for the
# service. A prkey set in a resource takes priority. If no prkey is
# specified in the service nor in the DEFAULT section, the prkey in
# node.conf is used. If node.conf has no prkey set, the hostid is
# computed and written in node.conf.
;prkey = foo
# keyword: anti_affinity
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: A whitespace separated list of services this service is not allowed
# to be started on the same node. The svcmgr --ignore-affinity option
# can be set to override this policy.
;anti_affinity = svc1 svc2
# keyword: no_preempt_abort
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: False
# candidates: True | False
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: If set to 'true', OpenSVC will preempt scsi reservation with a
# preempt command instead of a preempt and and abort. Some scsi target
# implementations do not support this last mode (esx). If set to
# 'false' or not set, 'no_preempt_abort' can be activated on a per-
# resource basis.
;no_preempt_abort = False
# keyword: show_disabled
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: True
# candidates: True | False
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: Specifies if the disabled resources must be included in the print
# status and json status output.
;show_disabled = True
# keyword: cluster
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: The symbolic name of the cluster. Used to label shared disks
# represented to tiers-2 consumers like containers.
;cluster = cluster1
# keyword: cluster_type
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: failover
# candidates: failover | flex | autoflex
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: failover: the service is allowed to be up on one node at a time.
# allactive: the service must be up on all nodes. flex: the service
# can be up on n out of m nodes (n <= m), n/m must be in the
# [flex_min_nodes, flex_max_nodes] range. autoflex: same as flex, but
# charge the collector to start the service on passive nodes when the
# average %cpu usage on active nodes > flex_cpu_high_threshold and
# stop the service on active nodes when the average %cpu usage on
# active nodes < flex_cpu_low_threshold.
;cluster_type = failover
# keyword: env
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: True
# provisioning: False
# default: <same as node env>
# candidates: DEV | DRP | FOR | INT | PRA | PRD | PRJ | PPRD | REC | STG | TMP | TST | UAT
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: A non-PRD service can not be brought up on a PRD node, but a PRD
# service can be startup on a non-PRD node (in a DRP situation). The
# default value is the node env.
;env = <same as node env>
# keyword: flex_min_nodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 1
# candidates: None
# depends: cluster_type in ['flex', 'autoflex']
# scopable: False
# desc: Minimum number of active nodes in the cluster. Below this number
# alerts are raised by the collector, and the collector won't stop any
# more service instances.
;flex_min_nodes = 1
# keyword: flex_max_nodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 10
# candidates: None
# depends: cluster_type in ['flex', 'autoflex']
# scopable: False
# desc: Maximum number of active nodes in the cluster. Above this number
# alerts are raised by the collector, and the collector won't start
# any more service instances. 0 means unlimited.
;flex_max_nodes = 10
# keyword: flex_cpu_min_threshold
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 10
# candidates: None
# depends: cluster_type in ['flex', 'autoflex']
# scopable: False
# desc: Average CPU usage across the active cluster nodes below which the
# collector raises alerts and decides to stop service instances with
# autoflex cluster type.
;flex_cpu_min_threshold = 10
# keyword: flex_cpu_max_threshold
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 70
# candidates: None
# depends: cluster_type in ['flex', 'autoflex']
# scopable: False
# desc: Average CPU usage across the active cluster nodes above which the
# collector raises alerts and decides to start new service instances
# with autoflex cluster type.
;flex_cpu_max_threshold = 70
# keyword: docker_swarm_managers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: List of nodes promoted as docker swarm managers.The flex primary
# node is implicitely a manager. Whitespace separated.
;docker_swarm_managers = foo
# keyword: nodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: True
# provisioning: False
# default: <hostname of the current node>
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: List of cluster local nodes able to start the service. Whitespace
# separated.
;nodes = <hostname of the current node>
# keyword: autostart_node
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: <hostname of the current node>
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: A whitespace-separated list subset of 'nodes'. Defines the nodes
# where the service will try to start on upon node reboot. On a
# failover cluster there should only be one autostart node and the
# start-up will fail if the service is already up on another node
# though. If not specified, the service will never be started at node
# boot-time, which is rarely the expected behaviour.
;autostart_node = <hostname of the current node>
# keyword: drpnode
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The backup node where the service is activated in a DRP situation.
# This node is also a data synchronization target for 'sync'
# resources.
;drpnode = node1
# keyword: drpnodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: Alternate backup nodes, where the service could be activated in a
# DRP situation if the 'drpnode' is not available. These nodes are
# also data synchronization targets for 'sync' resources.
;drpnodes = node1 node2
# keyword: encapnodes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: The list of containers handled by this service and with an OpenSVC
# agent installed to handle the encapsulated resources. With this
# parameter set, parameters can be scoped with the @encapnodes suffix.
;encapnodes = vm1 vm2
# keyword: app
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: DEFAULT
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Used to identify who is responsible for is service, who is billable
# and provides a most useful filtering key. Better keep it a short
# code.
;app = DEFAULT
# keyword: comment
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Helps users understand the role of the service, which is nice to on-
# call support people having to operate on a service they are not
# usually responsible for.
;comment = foo
# keyword: scsireserv
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: False
# candidates: True | False
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: If set to 'true', OpenSVC will try to acquire a type-5 (write
# exclusive, registrant only) scsi3 persistent reservation on every
# path to disks of every disk group attached to this service. Existing
# reservations are preempted to not block service start-up. If the
# start-up was not legitimate the data are still protected from being
# written over from both nodes. If set to 'false' or not set,
# 'scsireserv' can be activated on a per-resource basis.
;scsireserv = False
# keyword: bwlimit
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Bandwidth limit in KB applied to all rsync transfers. Leave empty to
# enforce no limit.
;bwlimit = 3000
# keyword: sync_interval
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 121
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Set the minimum delay between syncs in minutes. If a sync is
# triggered through crond or manually, it is skipped if last sync
# occurred less than 'sync_min_delay' ago. The mecanism is enforced by
# a timestamp created upon each sync completion in
# <pathvar>/sync/[service]![dst]
;sync_interval = 121
# keyword: sync_max_delay
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: 1440
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Unit is minutes. This sets to delay above which the sync status of
# the resource is to be considered down. Should be set according to
# your application service level agreement. The cron job frequency
# should be set between 'sync_min_delay' and 'sync_max_delay'
;sync_max_delay = 1440
# keyword: presnap_trigger
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Define a command to run before creating snapshots. This is most
# likely what you need to use plug a script to put you data in a
# coherent state (alter begin backup and the like).
;presnap_trigger = /srv/svc1/etc/init.d/pre_snap.sh
# keyword: postsnap_trigger
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Define a command to run after snapshots are created. This is most
# likely what you need to use plug a script to undo the actions of
# 'presnap_trigger'.
;postsnap_trigger = /srv/svc1/etc/init.d/post_snap.sh
# keyword: monitor_action
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: reboot | crash | freezestop
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: The action to take when a monitored resource is not up nor standby
# up, and if the resource restart procedure has failed.
;monitor_action = reboot
# keyword: create_pg
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: True
# candidates: True | False
# depends: None
# scopable: False
# desc: Use process containers when possible. Containers allow capping
# memory, swap and cpu usage per service. Lxc containers are naturally
# containerized, so skip containerization of their startapp.
;create_pg = True
# keyword: pg_cpus
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: Allow service process to bind only the specified cpus. Cpus are
# specified as list or range : 0,1,2 or 0-2
;pg_cpus = 0-2
# keyword: pg_mems
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: Allow service process to bind only the specified memory nodes.
# Memory nodes are specified as list or range : 0,1,2 or 0-2
;pg_mems = 0-2
# keyword: pg_cpu_shares
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: Kernel default value is used, which usually is 1024 shares. In a
# cpu-bound situation, ensure the service does not use more than its
# share of cpu ressource. The actual percentile depends on shares
# allowed to other services.
;pg_cpu_shares = 512
# keyword: pg_cpu_quota
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: The percent ratio of one core to allocate to the process group if %
# is specified, else the absolute value to set in the process group
# parameter. For example, on Linux cgroups, -1 means unlimited, and a
# positive absolute value means the number of microseconds to allocate
# each period. 50%@all means 50% of all cores, and 50%@2 means 50% of
# two cores.
;pg_cpu_quota = 50%@all
# keyword: pg_mem_oom_control
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: A flag (0 or 1) that enables or disables the Out of Memory killer
# for a cgroup. If enabled (0), tasks that attempt to consume more
# memory than they are allowed are immediately killed by the OOM
# killer. The OOM killer is enabled by default in every cgroup using
# the memory subsystem; to disable it, write 1.
;pg_mem_oom_control = 1
# keyword: pg_mem_limit
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: Ensures the service does not use more than specified memory (in
# bytes). The Out-Of-Memory killer get triggered in case of
# tresspassing.
;pg_mem_limit = 512000000
# keyword: pg_mem_swappiness
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: Set a swappiness value for the process group.
;pg_mem_swappiness = 40
# keyword: pg_vmem_limit
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: Ensures the service does not use more than specified memory+swap (in
# bytes). The Out-Of-Memory killer get triggered in case of
# tresspassing. The specified value must be greater than pg_mem_limit.
;pg_vmem_limit = 1024000000
# keyword: pg_blkio_weight
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: None
# candidates: None
# depends: create_pg in [True]
# scopable: False
# desc: Block IO relative weight. Value: between 10 and 1000. Kernel
# default: 1000.
;pg_blkio_weight = 50
# keyword: disable
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# required: False
# provisioning: False
# default: False
# candidates: True | False
# depends: None
# scopable: True
# desc: A disabled resource will be ignored on service startup and shutdown.
;disable = False