Operate Apps

Selecting Objects


om '**' ls

All Services

om '*' ls

Single Service

om <path> ls
om ns1/svc/web1 ls

Object list

om <path1>,<path2> ls
om ns1/svc/web1,ns1/vol/wev1 ls

Services by State

om '*' ls --status down

List all services in 'down' state.

om '*' ls --status up,warn

List all services in 'up' and 'warn' state.

Service Selector Expressions

om <expr> ls

Where <expr> is:

  • <path glob pattern>
  • [!]<param><op><value>

Where <param> is:

  • <rid>.<key> in a service config file
  • <group>.<key> in a service config file, where <group> is a driver group name like disk, fs, task, ... or an empty string, meaning "all resources"
  • <key> in the service config file header

Where <op> is:

  • < > <= >= = operators
  • : as a existance test operator (empty value)
  • ~ as a regexp operator


  • ! as a negation operator
  • + as the AND expression separator
  • , as the OR expression separator

The matching is case-sensitive except for booleans.


services with name ending with dns or starting with ha and with an app resource with a timeout set superior to 1:

$ om '*dns,ha*+app.timeout>1' ls

Services with at least one ip resource and one task resource:

$ om 'ip:+task:' ls

Services with at least one monitored resource and monitor_schedule not set:

$ om '!monitor_schedule+.monitor=true' ls

Services Status

Cluster Overview

Human Readable

om mon

This command fetches the information from the daemon listener. Hence,

  • The daemon must be up and running
  • The displayed information is near synchronous
Threads                                  aubergine nuc
 hb#1.rx     running | /         X
 hb#1.tx     running | /         O
 hb#2.rx     running     | /         O
 hb#2.tx     running                   | /         O
 listener    running
 monitor     running
 scheduler   running

Nodes                                    aubergine nuc
 15m                                   | 0.6       0.0
 state                                 |

Services                                 aubergine nuc
 collector   up      failover          | O^
 ha1         warn!^  failover          | !!        !!^
 pridns      up      failover          | O^
 registry    up      failover          | O^
 testapplim  n/a     flex              | /^
 testapplim2 n/a     flex              | /*        /*
 testbnp     n/a     failover          | /P
 testdrbd    n/a     failover          | /P        /P
 testmd      up!     flex              | X!        O!^
 testmd2     up!^    failover          | O!        X!^

To optimize information density, attributes, status and alerts are represented as markers.

Heartbeats markers:

Marker On hb.tx target On hb.rx source
O data has been sent in time data has been received in time
X data has not been sent in time data has not been received in time
/ not applicable not applicable

Nodes, services and instances markers:

Marker On service instance On Service On node status
O up    
o standby up instance    
X down instance or heartbeat    
x standby down instance    
/ not applicable, undefined    
^ placement leader placement alert  
! warning warning raise by any instance  
!! not fully available instance    
* frozen instance   frozen node
P not fully provisioned instance    

Machine readable

om daemon status --format json
om daemon status --format flat_json


om mon --watch


om mon --stats

Detailled Instance Status

Human Readable

om <path> print status

Machine Readable

om <path> print status --format json
om <path> print status --format flat_json

Forced evaluation of status

om <path> print status --refresh


Base Actions


om <path> start --local

Start the local service instance, shortcutting the orchestrator. Resources start order is ip, disk, fs, share, container, app.

om <path> start [--wait] [--time <duration expr>] [--watch]

Tell the orchestrator to start the service on the nodes the placement policy and constraints choose.

By default, the command returns as soon has to daemon has acknowedged the order. With --wait, the command will wait for the action completion before returning. --time set a maximum wait time.


om <path> stop --local

Stop the local service instance, shortcutting the orchestrator. Resources stop order is app, container, share, fs, disk, ip.

om <path> stop [--wait] [--time <duration expr>] [--watch]

Tell the orchestrator to stop the service wherever it runs and freeze it so it is not restarted.

By default, the command returns as soon has to daemon has acknowedged the order. With --wait, the command will wait for the action completion before returning. --time set a maximum wait time.


om <path> switch --node <nodename> [--wait] [--time <duration expr>] [--watch]

Stop the service on <nodename> peers and start it on <nodename>.

All service instances are thawed at the end of this ended, whatever their initial frozen state.

om <path> takeover [--wait] [--time <duration expr>] [--watch]

Stop the service instances on peers and start it on the local node.

All service instances are thawed at the end of this ended, whatever their initial frozen state.

om <path> giveback [--wait] [--time <duration expr>] [--watch]

Thaw the nodes and service instances, stop the service instances running on non-leader nodes, and let the orchestrator start the instances on the leaders.

All service instances are thawed at the end of this ended, whatever their initial frozen state.

Handling Failures

When an action is submitted to the agent daemons, they orchestrate the execution plan to make the service reach the desired state. If a step of this plan fails, the orchestrator is blocked, the failure reported in om mon and om <path> print status, and the target state is still set.

For example, the svc1 failover service is requested to start. The n1 node is the leader and its instance started, but the action fails. This instance service monitor status transitioned to start failed, and the orchestration is blocked.

To let the daemon retry the execution plan, the failure can be cleared, using:

om <path> clear

To abort the action, use:

om <path> abort


om <path> sync all

Run the sync resources replication to all targets, either prd or drp.

om <path> sync nodes

Trigger hard-coded and user-defined file synchronization to secondary nodes. Optionally creates snapshots to send a coherent file set. No-op if run from a node not running the service.

om <path> sync drp

Trigger hard-coded and user-defined file synchronization to disaster recovery nodes. Optionally creates snapshots to send a coherent file set. No-op if run from a node not running the service.

See also



om <path> run

Run tasks.

See also


Resource Filtering

om <path> --rid <rid>[,<rid>,...] <action>

Execute <action> on <path> resources specified by --rid.

om <path> --rid <drvgrp>[,<drvgrp>,...] <action>

Execute <action> on <path> resources of driver groups specified by by --rid. The supported driver groups are:

  • ip
  • disk
  • fs
  • share
  • container
  • app
  • sync
  • task

Resource identifiers and driver groups can be mixed in a --rid expression.

om <path> --tags tag1,tag2 <action>

Execute <action> on <path> resources tagged with either tag1 or tag2.

om <path> --tags tag1+tag2,tag3 <action>

Execute <action> on <path> resources tagged with both tag1 or tag2 or with tag3.

om <path> --subsets s1,s2 <action>

Execute <action> on <path> resources in subset s1 or s2


All action logs are multiplexed to:

  • stdout/stderr
  • <OSVCLOG>/<name>.log for svc kind in root namespace. <OSVCLOG>/<kind>/<name>.log for non-svc kind in root namespace. <OSVCLOG>/namespaces/<namespace>/<kind>/<name>.log for namespaced objects. Daily rotation on these files, and size limit rotation
  • collector database Optional, through asynchronous xmlrpc calls.
  • syslog Optional, disabled by default, configured in node.conf


Print resource status of a service:

$ om osvprdcollector.opensvc.com print status
overall                   up
|- avail                  up
|  |- ip#0           .... up
|  |- fs#1           .... stdby up   zfs data/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com@/srv/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com
|  |- fs#3           .... stdby up   zfs data/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com/data@/srv/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com/data
|  |- fs#2           .... stdby up   zfs data/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com/docker@/srv/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com/docker
|  |- container#0    .... up         docker container osvprdcollector.opensvc.com.container.0@ubuntu:16.04
|  |- container#1    .... up         docker container osvprdcollector.opensvc.com.container.1@registry.opensvc.com/opensvc/collector_db:build10
|  |- container#2    .... up         docker container osvprdcollector.opensvc.com.container.2@registry.opensvc.com/opensvc/collector_redis:build1
|  |- container#3    .... up         docker container osvprdcollector.opensvc.com.container.3@registry.opensvc.com/opensvc/collector_nginx:build1
|  '- container#4    .... up         docker container osvprdcollector.opensvc.com.container.4@registry.opensvc.com/opensvc/collector_web2py:build10
'- accessory
   |- sync#1         .... up         zfs of data/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com to nodes
   |- sync#1sd       .... up         zfs 'daily' snapshot data/osvprdcollector.opensvc.com
   '- sync#i0        .... up         rsync svc config to drpnodes, nodes

Starting a service:

$ sudo mysvc1.opensvc.com start --local
deb1.mysvc1.ip#1        checking availability
deb1.mysvc1.ip#1        ifconfig lo:3 netmask up
deb1.mysvc1.ip#1        arping -U -c 1 -I lo -s
deb1.mysvc1.disk#1      loop /opt/disk1.dd is already up
deb1.mysvc1.disk#2      loop /opt/disk2.dd is already up
deb1.mysvc1.disk#3      vg vgtest is already up
deb1.mysvc1.fs#1        e2fsck -p /dev/vgtest/lvtest1
deb1.mysvc1.fs#1        output:
deb1.mysvc1.fs#1        /dev/vgtest/lvtest1: clean, 18/3072 files, 1534/12288 blocks
deb1.mysvc1.fs#1        mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/vgtest/lvtest1 /opt/avn/lvtest1
deb1.mysvc1.fs#2        e2fsck -p /dev/vgtest/lvtest2
deb1.mysvc1.fs#2        output:
deb1.mysvc1.fs#2        /dev/vgtest/lvtest2: clean, 13/3072 files, 12286/12288 blocks
deb1.mysvc1.fs#2        mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/vgtest/lvtest2 /opt/avn/lvtest2
deb1.mysvc1.fs#3        e2fsck -p /dev/loop1
deb1.mysvc1.fs#3        output:
deb1.mysvc1.fs#3        testfs: clean, 13/12824 files, 27111/51200 blocks
deb1.mysvc1.fs#3        mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/loop1 /opt/avn/lvtest3
deb1.mysvc1.share#0     exportfs -o ro,fsid=0 p145.opensvc.com:/opt/avn/lvtest3
deb1.mysvc1.app#0       exec /bin/true start as user root
deb1.mysvc1.app#0       start done in 0:00:00.001864 - ret 0

Stopping a service:

$ sudo mysvc1.opensvc.com stop --local
deb1.mysvc1.app#0       exec /bin/true stop as user root
deb1.mysvc1.app#0       stop done in 0:00:00.004243 ret 0
deb1.mysvc1.share#0     exportfs -u p145.opensvc.com:/opt/avn/lvtest3
deb1.mysvc1.fs#3        umount /opt/avn/lvtest3
deb1.mysvc1.fs#2        umount /opt/avn/lvtest2
deb1.mysvc1.fs#1        umount /opt/avn/lvtest1
deb1.mysvc1.disk#3      skip 'stop' on standby resource (--force to override)
deb1.mysvc1.disk#2      skip 'stop' on standby resource (--force to override)
deb1.mysvc1.disk#1      skip 'stop' on standby resource (--force to override)
deb1.mysvc1.ip#1        ifconfig lo:3 down