Desc: |
A rule to set a list of parameters in simple keyword/value configuration file format. Current values can be checked as set or unset, strictly equal, or superior/inferior to their target value. By default, this object appends keyword/values not found, potentially creating duplicates. The 'reset' operator can be used to avoid such duplicates.
Dest: compliance variable
Type: json
Format: list of dict
Class: keyval
Id: key
Label: Key
DisplayModeTrim: 64
DisplayModeLabel: key
LabelCss: action16
Mandatory: Yes
Type: string
Id: op
Label: Comparison operator
DisplayModeLabel: op
LabelCss: action16
Mandatory: Yes
Type: string
Default: "="
- reset
- unset
- "="
- ">"
- ">="
- "<"
- "<="
- "IN"
Help: The comparison operator to use to check the parameter current value. The 'reset' operator can be used to avoid duplicate occurence of the same keyword (insert a key reset after the last key set to mark any additional key found in the original file to be removed). The IN operator verifies the current value is one of the target list member. On fix, if the check is in error, it sets the first target list member. A "IN" operator value must be a JSON formatted list.
Id: value
Label: Value
DisplayModeLabel: value
LabelCss: action16
Mandatory: Yes
Type: string or integer
Help: The configuration file parameter target value.