Cluster Domain Name Server

The agent daemon can act as a remote backend for PowerDNS, serving dynamic records for the services deployed. This is most interesting when services get their ip addresses on private backends with internal IPAM.

If set up, when the agent starts a container, it sets up its resolver (dns and search) so they make use of the internal name server.

This feature is not enabled by default.


  • One A record <hostname>.<svcname>.<namespace>.svc.<clustername> for each resource embedding an ip address and a hostname in its "info".
  • One round-robin A record for <svcname>.<namespace>.svc.<clustername>. Each resource embedding an ip address in its "info" gets a slot in the RR.
  • One SRV record for _<service>._<protocol>.<svcname>.<namespace>.svc.<clustername>. Each resource with an expose keyword matching <service> and <port> gets a slot in the RR.


A service created in no specific namespace gets a "root" namespace value.


  • A farmed (flex) service.
  • Each instance runs a authoritative PowerDNS server, a PowerDNS recursor and a recursor cache janitoring daemon.
  • Each component runs as a privileged docker instance to have r/w access to shared unix domain sockets.
  • The DNS server and recursor share the node network namespace.
  • The PowerDNS server uses the dns thread of the OpenSVC daemon as a remote backend. Communications go through the <OSVCVAR>/dns/pdns.sock unix domain socket.

Docker images

  • opensvc/pdns_server
  • opensvc/pdns_recursor
  • opensvc/pdns_janitor


Preliminary steps

  • Make sure the cluster configuration is set to a meaningful, unique site-wide, value. It can be a fqdn like, or just a basename like cluster1.
  • Choose at least 2 cluster nodes that will act as DNS backends.
  • Choose a free port for the DNS to listen on (default is 5300).
  • Identify the ip addresses you want the DNS to listen on (public or private). In the following examples, and
  • Make sure these ip addresses are resolved to the node name as declared in the cluster.nodes keyword (edit /etc/hosts if necessary).
  • Make sure docker is installed and running on selected dns nodes.
  • Make sure you have access to pull from on selected dns nodes (you can pre-pull or save/load the images if not).

Declare DNS backends

om cluster set --kw cluster.dns+= --kw cluster.dns+=

Deploy the DNS service

On the default port (5300):

om system/svc/dns deploy \

Or on a custom port (1216):

om system/svc/dns deploy \
        --config \
        --env port=1216


Set --allow-from=<cidr>,<cidr> to the recursor container command to allow requests from subnets not trusted by default (,,


Verify the backend

om dns dump
echo '{"method": "lookup", "parameters": {"qname": "cluster1.", "qtype": "SOA"}}' | socat - /var/lib/opensvc/dns/pdns.sock

{"result": [{"ttl": 60, "qname": "cluster1.", "qtype": "SOA", "domain_id": -1, "content": "dns.cluster1. 1 7200 3600 432000 86400"}]}

Verify the DNS authoritative server

dig +short cluster1. SOA @ -p 5300

Verify the DNS recursor

dig +short cluster1. SOA @

Dump the zone contents asking DNS

dig +noall +answer cluster1. AXFR @ -p 5300

Dump the zone contents asking agent socket

Same as om dns dump

echo '{"method": "list", "parameters": {"zonename": "cluster1."}}' | sudo socat - unix://var/lib/opensvc/dns/pdns.sock | jq


Add forwarding for the reverse zones

Either switch to --forward-zones-file or add new elements to forward-zones. In the later case, a env section key can help keeping the container resource definition reusable.

Example for a backend network

type = docker
image = opensvc/pdns_recursor:latest
netns = host
userns = host
privileged = true
rm = true
run_args = -v {var}/services/{svcname}/run:/var/run:rw
run_command = --daemon=no --disable-syslog=yes --loglevel=9 --disable-packetcache=yes --max-cache-ttl=60 --max-negative-ttl=60 --local-port=53 --udp-truncation-threshold=4096 --local-address={dns[0]},{dns[1]} --non-local-bind --forward-zones={clustername}={env.dns_set},{env.rev_forward}

server_port = 5300
dns_set = {dns[0]}:{env.server_port};{dns[1]}:{env.server_port}
rev_forward ={env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set},{env.dns_set}