Agent Daemon Listener

  • Listen on the address specified by listener.addr and port specified by listener.port.
  • Executes om node dequeue actions when receiving empty packets
  • Execute valid requests

Requests Validation

A request message must be AES256-encrypted using the cluster.secret. The sender nodename and encryption salt are sent unencrypted.

  • The sender nodename is verified to be in the cluster.nodes (expect for join requests)
  • The encrypted data must pass decryption using the received salt and cluster.secret

A node sending 5 consecutive invalid messages is blacklisted, and its future messages will be dropped before decryption.


Clear Blacklist

Clear the whole blacklist.

$ om node daemon blacklist clear

Blacklist Status

Return the blacklist contents.

$ om node daemon blacklist status
    "data": {
        "node1": 1,
        "node2": 5,
    "status": 0

Daemon Status

Return the cluster data.

$ om node daemon status [--format json]

Daemon Stop

Stop the daemon or a single thread.

Stopping the whole daemon advertizes to its peers its going into maintenance. The local service instances are not stopped.

$ om node daemon stop [--thread-id <id>]

Daemon Start

Start the daemon or a single thread.

$ om node daemon start [--thread-id <id>]

Daemon Shutdown

Stop service instances, advertize maintenance to peers and stop the daemon.

$ om node daemon shutdown

Get Service Config

Serve a service configuration file content.

Request format:

    "action": "get_service_config",
    "options": {
        "svcname": "svc1",


Clear the service monitor start failed and stop failed states.

Clear the resource restart count, so the service monitor will retry <rid>.restart times again to start a resource evaluated down when the local_expect is started.

$ om <svcname> clear

Set Node Monitor

Set the node monitor attributes.

  • status The node monitor status. idle, freezing, thawing
  • local_expect The target node status. The node monitor will try to take actions to make the node reach that status. thawed, frozen.

Request format:

    "action": "set_node_monitor",
    "options": {
        "local_expect": "thawed"

Set Service Monitor

Set a service monitor attributes:

  • status The service monitor status. idle, starting, stopping, ...
  • local_expect The target local service instance status. The service monitor will try to take actions to make the service instance reach that status.
  • global_expect The target service status. The service monitor will discuss with its peers how to make the service reach that status.
  • reset_retries Clear the resource restart count, so the service monitor will retry <rid>.restart times again to start a resource evaluated down when the local_expect is started.

Request format:

    "action": "set_service_monitor",
    "options": {
        "svcname": "svc1",
        "local_expect": "started",
        "global_expect": "started",
        "reset_retries": True

Get Service Monitor

Return the service monitor attributes.

Request format:

    "action": "set_service_monitor",
    "options": {
        "svcname": "svc1",


Merge the joining nodename in the cluster.nodes.

Return the cluster and heartbeats configuration sections the joiner must merge.

$ om node daemon join --secret <secret> --node <nodename>


Remove the leaving nodename from cluster.nodes.

Service Action

Execute an arbitrary service instance action on the node.

Support synchronous or asynchronous execution.

Request format:

    "action": "service_action",
    "options": {
        "svcname": "svc1",
        "command": ["compliance", "fix", "--moduleset", "foo"],
        "sync": True,

Service Logs

Return or stream the local service instance logs.

$ om <svcname> logs [--follow] [--backlog <n>]

Request logs from all service nodes daemons and aggregate the results.


The listener thread is restarted by the agent daemon if it exits uncleanly.

om node daemon stop --thread-id listener

Stop the listener thread. The thread state transitions from running to stopped.

om node daemon start --thread-id listener

Start the listener tx thread. The thread state transitions from stopped to running.

om node set --param listener.port --value 1215
om node edit config

Any command causing a timestamp change on <OSVCETC>/node.conf triggers a listener reconfiguration:

  • Modified parameters are applied