Huawei Dorado replication



Huawei Dorado arrays implement block level data replication between 2 arrays. This product is called HyperMetro Replication. This feature allow opensvc agent to provision and operate services using a synchronously replicated lun that is readable and writable from both arrays at the same time.

This kind of service is often used to build metrocluster or geocluster systems, drastically lowering time needed to relocate production to another location, with application level granularity, and improving overall IT availability. The following documentation presents the configuration of such a service. This setup just require using the OpenSVC agent, which is free of charge.



  • 2 Unix servers with OpenSVC agents, assembled into a 2-nodes cluster

  • 2 Huawei Dorado arrays, configured with “HyperMetro Replication” license

  • A storage pool has been created on both storage systems.

  • Dual fabric storage area network, each server is zoned to each array

  • 2 luns :

    • R1 in dorado array located in datacenter 1 (DC1)

    • R2 in dorado array located in datacenter 2 (DC2)

    • R1 and R2 are paired through a HyperMetro replication configuration, exposing the same external device identity (geometry, device WWN).

    • R1 is the preferred lun for io, and R2 is the non preferred lun

    • Both servers see the R1, R2 pair as a single lun, which is read/write enabled at a same time, on both arrays

  • User account (login/password) with “SAN resource administrator” role, in each dorado array, to be able to authenticate on array api

Agent configuration file

First of all, we need to tell OpenSVC agents how to connect Huawei Dorado array. It’s better to use cluster configuration file to describe the connection informations to each array.

The following configuration describes our 2 arrays:

Array Configuration (extract of cluster.conf)

name = 2102352VUV10KA000002
type = dorado
api =
username = opensvc
password = system/sec/dorado

name = 2102352VUV10KA000003
type = dorado
api =
username = opensvc
password = system/sec/dorado
  • 2 arrays declared (dc1, dc2)

  • the array name must match the equipment serial number (cli command showsystemgeneral, or trough device manager using the “home” button)

  • type tells opensvc agent which storage array driver to use

  • username is used to specify the login account created in the storage array, which is opensvc

  • password is the name of opensvc cluster secret object used to store the array password


to store the password D0r@d0 in opensvc secret system/sec/dorado, use the following commands om system/sec/dorado create ; om system/sec/dorado add --key password --value D0r@d0

Example commands

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 –help

List command options exposed in dorado array driver

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list storagepool

List array storage pools

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list fc port

List array fibre channel ports

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list sas port

List array sas ports

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list eth port

List network ports

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 add lun –name test3 –size 1g –storagepool StoragePool001

Create a single 1GiB lun named test3 in StoragePool001 storage pool

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 add lun –name test3 –size 1g –storagepool StoragePool001 –compression –dedup

Create a single 1GiB deduped and compressed lun named test3 in StoragePool001 storage pool

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list mappings –name test3

list host mappings for lun

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list fc ports | grep -i wwn

query fc ports wwpn

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list host link | grep -E “INITIATOR_PORT_WWN|TARGET_PORT_WWN|NAME”

list host to fc port connections

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list lun | grep -Ew “NAME|WWN”

list luns and its wwn

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 map –naa 6cc64a61008314970b9de1090000004e –mappings 2100f4e9d45585c9:2010cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d45585c9:2000cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d4548daf:2000cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d4548daf:2010cc64a6831497

maps lun (hostlunid autoassignment)

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 map –naa 6cc64a61008314970b9de1090000004e –mappings 2100f4e9d45585c9:2010cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d45585c9:2000cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d4548daf:2000cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d4548daf:2010cc64a6831497 –lun 123

maps lun (hostlunid=123)

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 map –name test3 –mappings 2100f4e9d45585c9:2010cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d45585c9:2000cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d4548daf:2000cc64a6831497 –mappings 2100f4e9d4548daf:2010cc64a6831497 –lun 123

maps lun using its name (hostlunid=123)

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 list_mappings –name test3

list lun mappings

om array –array 2102352VUV10KA000002 del disk –name test3

delete lun (if mapped, first unmap it)

Pool Configuration (extract of cluster.conf)

type = dorado
array = 2102352VUV10KA000002
diskgroup = StoragePool001

type = dorado
array@ubuntu1 = 2102352VUV10KA000002
array@ubuntu2 = 2102352VUV10KA000003
diskgroup = StoragePool001
hypermetrodomain = HyperMetroDomain_000
  • pool named dorado is local to array 2102352VUV10KA000002, and points to dorado storage pool StoragePool001

  • pool named replicated rely on both arrays using HyperMetroDomain_000 HyperMetro domain, to automate the creation of replicated luns

Pool Usage

Local pool

1 disk, 1 node

The following describes a simple lun creation, provisioned from a local, non-replicated pool

  • create lun in array

  • map lun to server ubuntu1

  • scsi bus scan

  • instantiate opensvc volume object

2GiB lun named tstpool1 is created using storagepool dorado

root@ubuntu1:~# om pool create vol --pool dorado --name tstpool1 --size 2g --blk
@ n:ubuntu1
  create volume vol/tstpool1 (pool name: dorado, pool type: dorado, access: rwo, size: 2g, format: False, nodes: , shared: False)
@ n:ubuntu1 o:vol/tstpool1
  allocated rid disk#1
  vol/tstpool1 target state set to provisioned


The --blk option disable the disk formatting, and filesystem mount. This option should be used for applications which disk access requirement is raw, like Oracle ASM, SAP Sybase IQ, GlusterFS, …

A new vol/tstpool1 volume object is configured

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/* ls

The vol/tstpool1 volume object is presented to the node, and had scsi3 reservation enabled

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/tstpool1 print status
vol/tstpool1                     up
`- instances
   `- ubuntu1                    up         idle, started
      |- disk#1         ........ n/a        disk 6cc64a61008314970bd4f5ea00000052
      `- disk#1pr       ........ up         /dev/sdah, /dev/sdaj, /dev/sdal, /dev/sdan

The lun is presented through all array frontends known by server ubuntu1

root@ubuntu1:~# multipath -l /dev/mapper/36cc64a61008314970bd4f5ea00000052
36cc64a61008314970bd4f5ea00000052 dm-7 HUAWEI,XSG1
size=2.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
  |- 18:0:2:6    sdah 66:16  active undef unknown
  |- 16:0:2:6    sdal 66:80  active undef unknown
  |- 18:0:3:6    sdaj 66:48  active undef unknown
  `- 16:0:3:6    sdan 66:112 active undef unknown

The vol/tstpool1 object configuration is as below

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/tstpool1 print config
pool = dorado
size = 2147483648
access = rwo
id = fde92dfd-faef-467f-80aa-8e7772ac2c62

type = disk
name = tstpool1.root.vol.hwcl1
scsireserv = True
shared = False
size = 2147483648
disk_id@ubuntu1 = 6cc64a61008314970bd4f5ea00000052

disable = True

2 dedicated disks, 2 nodes

2 x 5GiB luns named tstavn1 are created using storagepool dorado. Present lun 1 to ubuntu1, present lun 2 to ubuntu2

root@ubuntu1:~# om pool create vol --pool dorado --name tstavn1 --size 5g --nodes '*' --blk
@ n:ubuntu1
  create volume vol/tstavn1 (pool name: dorado, pool type: dorado, access: rwo, size: 5g, format: False, nodes: *, shared: False)
@ n:ubuntu1 o:vol/tstavn1
  allocated rid disk#1
  vol/tstavn1 target state set to provisioned


Lun naming inside array is suffixed with the server hostname which owns the disk (tstavn1.root.vol.hwcl1.ubuntu1) tstavn1 is the disk name. root is the opensvc namespace. vol is the object kind. hwcl1 is the opensvc cluster name. ubuntu1 is the server name owning the disk.

Same vol/tstavn1 object name accross opensvc cluster, but different lun wwn on each server

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/tstavn1 print config
pool = dorado
size = 5368709120
access = rwo
nodes = *
id = 470690fd-82da-44b3-9a1d-4a50b6c4f09b

type = disk
name = tstavn1.root.vol.hwcl1
scsireserv = True
shared = False
size = 5368709120
disk_id@ubuntu1 = 6cc64a61008314970cccd41900000058
disk_id@ubuntu2 = 6cc64a61008314970cccdd1f00000059

1 shared disk, 2 nodes

10GiB lun named tstavn2 is created using storagepool dorado. Present lun to ubuntu1 and ubuntu2

root@ubuntu1:~# om pool create vol --pool dorado --name tstavn2 --size 10g --nodes '*' --shared --blk
@ n:ubuntu1
  create volume vol/tstavn2 (pool name: dorado, pool type: dorado, access: rwo, size: 10g, format: False, nodes: *, shared: True)
@ n:ubuntu1 o:vol/tstavn2
  allocated rid disk#1
  vol/tstavn2 target state set to provisioned

vol/tstavn2 object shows same lun wwn on both servers

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/tstavn2 print config
pool = dorado
size = 10737418240
access = rwo
nodes = *
id = c12d2610-cdf9-445b-8969-5296fff9484c

type = disk
name = tstavn2.root.vol.hwcl1
scsireserv = True
shared = True
size = 10737418240
disk_id = 6cc64a61008314970cd01f270000005a

disable = True

Replicated Pool

1 replicated disk, 1 node

1GiB lun named rep1 is created using storagepool replicated

root@ubuntu1:~# om pool create vol --pool replicated --name rep1 --size 1g --blk
@ n:ubuntu1
  create volume vol/rep1 (pool name: replicated, pool type: dorado, access: rwo, size: 1g, format: False, nodes: , shared: False)
@ n:ubuntu1 o:vol/rep1
  allocated rid disk#1
  vol/rep1 target state set to provisioned


Disk will be named rep1.root.vol.hwcl1.ubuntu1 inside dorado arrays

The vol/rep1 volume object is presented to the node, and had scsi3 reservation enabled on 8 paths

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/rep1 print status
vol/rep1                         up
`- instances
   `- ubuntu1                    up         idle, started
      |- disk#1         ........ n/a        disk 6cc64a61008314970cd29b080000005b
      `- disk#1pr       ........ up         /dev/sdat, /dev/sdau, /dev/sdav, /dev/sdaw, /dev/sdax, /dev/sday, /dev/sdaz, /dev/sdba

The lun is presented through all array frontends known by server ubuntu1. 4 paths to local preferred array status=active. 4 paths to remote non-preferred array status=enabled

root@ubuntu1:~# multipath -l /dev/sdat
36cc64a61008314970cd29b080000005b dm-10 HUAWEI,XSG1
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
| |- 18:0:2:8 sdat 66:208 active undef unknown
| |- 16:0:2:8 sdax 67:16  active undef unknown
| |- 18:0:3:8 sdau 66:224 active undef unknown
| `- 16:0:3:8 sday 67:32  active undef unknown
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled
  |- 18:0:5:4 sdaw 67:0   active undef unknown
  |- 16:0:5:4 sdba 67:64  active undef unknown
  |- 18:0:4:4 sdav 66:240 active undef unknown
  `- 16:0:4:4 sdaz 67:48  active undef unknown

The vol/rep1 object configuration is as below

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/rep1 print config
pool = replicated
size = 1073741824
access = rwo
id = 383c4caf-f975-4c86-a386-f67bd360c59a

type = disk
name = rep1.root.vol.hwcl1
scsireserv = True
shared = False
size = 1073741824
disk_id@ubuntu1 = 6cc64a61008314970cd29b080000005b

disable = True

1 shared replicated disk, 1 node

1GiB lun named rep2 is created using storagepool replicated and marked as shared

root@ubuntu1:~# om pool create vol --pool replicated --name rep2 --size 1g --shared --blk
@ n:ubuntu1
  create volume vol/rep2 (pool name: replicated, pool type: dorado, access: rwo, size: 1g, format: False, nodes: , shared: True)
@ n:ubuntu1 o:vol/rep2
  allocated rid disk#1
  vol/rep2 target state set to provisioned


Due to --shared option, disk will be named rep2.root.vol.hwcl1 inside dorado arrays, supposed to be presented later to another node

The vol/rep2 object configuration is as below

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/rep2 print config
pool = replicated
size = 1073741824
access = rwo
id = 9da6563d-6759-418f-a947-55e9c73a364e

type = disk
name = rep2.root.vol.hwcl1
scsireserv = True
shared = True
size = 1073741824
disk_id = 6cc64a61008314970cd58f260000005c

disable = True

The lun is presented through all array frontends known by server ubuntu1. 4 paths to local preferred array status=active. 4 paths to remote non-preferred array status=enabled

root@ubuntu1:~# multipath -l /dev/mapper/36cc64a61008314970cd58f260000005c
36cc64a61008314970cd58f260000005c dm-11 HUAWEI,XSG1
size=1.0G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active
| |- 18:0:2:10 sdbb 67:80  active undef unknown
| |- 16:0:2:10 sdbf 67:144 active undef unknown
| |- 18:0:3:10 sdbc 67:96  active undef unknown
| `- 16:0:3:10 sdbg 67:160 active undef unknown
`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled
  |- 18:0:4:5  sdbd 67:112 active undef unknown
  |- 16:0:5:5  sdbi 67:192 active undef unknown
  |- 18:0:5:5  sdbe 67:128 active undef unknown
  `- 16:0:4:5  sdbh 67:176 active undef unknown

1 shared replicated disk, 2 nodes

1GiB lun named rep4 is created using storagepool replicated, marked as shared, and presented to all cluster nodes

root@ubuntu1:~# om pool create vol --pool replicated --name rep4 --size 1g --shared --nodes '*' --blk
@ n:ubuntu1
  create volume vol/rep4 (pool name: replicated, pool type: dorado, access: rwo, size: 1g, format: False, nodes: *, shared: True)
@ n:ubuntu1 o:vol/rep4
  allocated rid disk#1
  vol/rep4 target state set to provisioned

The vol/rep4 volume object is presented to the node, and had scsi3 reservation enabled on 8 paths

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/rep4 print status
vol/rep4                         up
`- instances
   |- ubuntu2                    down       idle
   `- ubuntu1                    up         idle, started
      |- disk#1         ........ n/a        disk 6cc64a61008314970cd7b64b0000005e
      |- disk#1pr       ........ up         /dev/sdbr, /dev/sdbs, /dev/sdbt, /dev/sdbu, /dev/sdbv, /dev/sdbw, /dev/sdbx, /dev/sdby
      `- sync#i0        ..DO./.. n/a        rsync svc config to nodes

The vol/rep4 object configuration is as below

root@ubuntu1:~# om vol/rep4 print config
pool = replicated
size = 1073741824
access = rwo
nodes = *
id = 94add459-0d08-4e4d-b64f-a9bd9439202b

type = disk
name = rep4.root.vol.hwcl1
scsireserv = True
shared = True
size = 1073741824
disk_id = 6cc64a61008314970cd7b64b0000005e

disable = True

Service Usage

The most common usage of opensvc dorado driver is through opensvc service provisioning, using a volume object :

A service object is created in cluster

om $SVC create

The env section in service object is set to point to cluster pool named replicated

om $SVC set --kw env.size=3G --kw env.pool=replicated

The service is configured to run on all cluster nodes, automatically being orchestrated by opensvc

om $SVC set --kw nodes='*' --kw orchestrate=ha

The volume object is configured into opensvc service

om $SVC set --kw{svcname} --kw volume#1.pool={env.pool} --kw volume#1.size={env.size} --kw volume#1.shared=true


The pool name, and volume sized points to env section where those parameters have been set at the previous step

A simple application is added to the service

om $SVC set --kw app#0.type=simple --kw='app#0.start=/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server {env.port}' --kw app#0.cwd=/tmp --kw env.port=8000

Service is now ready to be provisioned

om $SVC provision

To make copy/paste easy, all commands are below:

om $SVC create
om $SVC set --kw env.size=3G --kw env.pool=replicated --kw nodes='*' --kw orchestrate=ha
om $SVC set --kw{svcname} --kw volume#1.pool={env.pool} --kw volume#1.size={env.size} --kw volume#1.shared=true
om $SVC set --kw app#0.type=simple --kw='app#0.start=/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server {env.port}' --kw app#0.cwd=/tmp --kw env.port=8000
om $SVC provision